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$1,315,140,846 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Charitable Gaming

How to Apply for a License

Do you need a license?

  • Raffle License Requirements: If your organization is holding a small raffle, you may not need to apply for a license. To determine whether or not a license is required, add the purchase prices (or fair market value) of all prizes to be awarded and if the total is OVER $5,000, your organization does need to apply for a license. Even if a prize is donated, use the fair market value to decide if a license is required.
  • Bingo License Requirements: If you are starting a bingo game, you may not need to apply for a license. If you will make OVER $10,000 annually, you need to apply for a bingo license. Most organizations who play a minimum of once a week will need a license.

*All unlicensed and licensed organization are required to follow all laws regarding charitable gaming.  Please read the Idaho Code and Administrative Rules to ensure compliance.

Applying for a New License:

  • Application Fee: The annual application fee for an organization applying for a Charitable Gaming License for the first time is $100.00. A check must accompany your application packet. Please make check payable to the Idaho State Lottery. This fee is non-refundable.
  • Application Packet: Print and complete all of the forms. Click here to download the application packet. In addition to the forms, organizations applying for a license for the first time must submit all the documents listed in 7a. (Tax-exempt organizations) or 7b. (Non-profit organizations) of the application. Failure to include these documents will result in an incomplete application and will delay processing.

Renewing your License:

  • Renewal Application Packet: Print and complete all of the forms. Click here to download the application packet.
  • Renewal Fee: The annual application fee is based on your organization’s gross revenues from bingo and/or raffle operations during the previous year as follows:
Gross Revenue AmountFee Amount
Less than $25,000$100
$25,000 to $75,000$200
Over $75,000$300



Please mail ALL forms to: Idaho Lottery Enforcement Division, ATTN: Tina Miller, PO Box 6537, Boise, ID 83707

If you have questions about this content, email tmiller@lottery.idaho.gov
Tina Miller, Charitable Gaming Coordinator
Idaho Lottery Enforcement Division - (208) 334-2277