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$1,317,004,483 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Be a Retailer

Retailer Launchpad

What's in it for you?

Becoming an Idaho Lottery retail partner provides many benefits for your business, including

  • 5% commission earned on every Idaho Lottery purchase!
  • Increased customer traffic!
  • Revenue incentive programs!
  • In-store and Statewide promotional opportunities!
  • Listing on idaholottery.com
  • Extensive and expanding marketing support!
  • 1-800 customer service support center!
  • Your own assigned regional Lottery Sales Representative!

View a complete list of Retailer forms.

Licensing Questions and Answers
  • Where can I get a lottery license application?
  • I've purchased a store that currently sells lottery products. Can I sell under their license?


      An Idaho Lottery retailer license is NOT assignable or transferable, nor pledged, sold, mortgaged, encumbered, moved or passed in any manner to subsequent business owner(s). All new owners must reapply to the Idaho Lottery for licensing. Lottery products can only be sold at the retailer location by the person(s) and retailer business name listed on the Lottery license or by his/her employee(s) or agent(s).

  • Do I have to renew my lottery license?

      Yes, when an owner(s) or a retail location has changes of any information from the original lottery application they must renew their license. These changes include, but are not limited to: changes in contact names, mailing addresses, physical address changes, bank accounts, store front name or store remodels.

  • What should I do if my business has changed or is changing ownership?

      Your legal authority to sell Idaho Lottery products ends on the effective date of the sale of your retail location and/or your business or on the date you move the retail outlet to another physical address. Failure to notify the Idaho Lottery as required in your retailer contract may negatively impact your ability to sell Idaho Lottery products in the future and/or impact Idaho Lottery retailer licenses you may hold for other retail outlets.

      1.        You are required to notify the Idaho Lottery immediately that the licensed owner has sold or no longer owns the business.

      2.         In order to sell Draw and Scratch products:

              a.         New owner(s) with multiple locations under one legal entity are required to complete an application accompanied by a $25 application and $200 for each licensed location, and undergo the required statutory background checks to become a licensed retailer.

              b.         New owner(s) at a single location under one legal entity are required to complete an application accompanied by a $25 application and $200 and undergo the required statutory background checks to become a licensed retailer.

      3.         If the new owner(s) is going to sell only PullTab products, new owner(s) is required to complete an application accompanied by a $25 application fee and undergo the required statutory background checks to become a licensed retailer.

      4.         If the new owner(s) license is approved, every attempt will be made to minimize downtime during the change of ownership transition to a specified location.

  • What is considered a change of ownership or change in Lottery License?

      1.        Any change to the business structure of a business, such as from a sole proprietorship to a corporation, or any change in the name of business, must be reported to the Lottery before the change. Substantial changes in the ownership of business must also be reported to the Lottery before the change. A substantial change of ownership is defined as the transfer of ten percent (10%) or more equity in the licensed business from or to another single individual or legal entity. If a change involves the addition or deletion of one (1) or more existing owners or officers, the license holder must submit a license application reflecting the change and any other documentation that the Lottery may require. All changes will be reviewed by the Lottery to determine if the existing license should be continued.

      2.        Even change of retail outlet physical address listed on the Lottery License is considered a change to the Lottery License. The retail outlet physical location is bound by the conditions of the Lottery License agreement.

  • How long does the application process take?

      The Lottery application process can take up to thirty (30) days, after all required documentation is received, to approve or deny the application.

  • What are the three important pieces of information included on an Idaho Lottery Certificate?

      1.        The 1st name that appears on the Idaho Lottery Certificate is the Legal Entity name of the business or in the case of an Individual/Sole Proprietorship this would be the Individual’s full name.

      2.        The 2nd name that appears on the Idaho Lottery Certificate is the name of the retail outlet or store front name.

      3.         The 3rd legal data is the address. The Idaho Lottery assigns the certificate to a physical retail outlet by address.

  • What can delay the application process?

      Some of the reasons for a delayed approval:

      1.        Sending in an application which is not filled out properly
      2.        Not listing the proper legal entity
      3.        Missing information such as liquor license, ADA signature form or other required forms
      4.        Not providing the percent of ownership for each owner
      5.        Fees are not included with the application
      6.        Forms not properly signed, dated or notarized

  • What do I need to do to add another location/store as a lottery retailer?

      To add another location, you will be required to complete an application for each store you would like to add. Each Idaho Lottery retail outlet must be issued a license specifically designated for that location. This application will then go through the required statutory background checks. When approved, your store will be scheduled for terminal installation and training and your Idaho Lottery Sales Representative will contact you to set up the new store.

  • How can I change my banking information?
  • What circumstances could lead to my Lottery license being canceled, revoked, suspended or terminated?

      Some of the situations include:

      1.        Selling a ticket at a price greater than that authorized by the Idaho Lottery,

      2.        Selling a lottery ticket to a person under 18 years of age,

      3.        Transferring ticket stock without consent of the Idaho Lottery,

      4.        Selling Lottery tickets at a location that is not on the license certificate,

      5.        Making material misrepresentation on an applicant's application for licensure,

      6.        Failure to properly notify, reports, or settles accounts with the Idaho Lottery regarding lottery tickets,

      7.        Failure to report a conviction of a felony or a crime related to gambling, by one of the owners, during the term of the license,

      8.        Failure to inform the Idaho Lottery, within a minimum of fourteen (14) days, of the addition of "new owner(s)" or a sales of all or portion of your business,

      9.        Business is ineligible pursuant to the Idaho Lottery Act or regulations or rules of the Idaho Lottery.

Retailer Security

Security and integrity are the first and foremost goal of the Idaho Lottery. In addition to handling background checks on all Lottery employees, retailers, and vendors, the Security Division monitors ticket pricing, ticket redemption, all Lottery games and drawings. We may send a Security Division Officer to take a look at your business before issuing a Lottery Retailer Certificate.

Confidential retailer background checks are conducted on each owner and key officers of all organizations applying for a Lottery Retailer Certificate. Certificates may be denied to businesses or owners whose financial or criminal backgrounds raise serious questions about their honesty, integrity or financial capability. The background check information may be shared with other law enforcement agencies, but is otherwise strictly confidential.

Idaho State Codes Pertaining to Lottery Sales to Minors


The director may terminate a contract with a lottery game retailer for such reasons of termination as shall be recited in such contract, which reasons shall include, but not be limited to, the knowing sale of tickets or shares to any person under the age of eighteen (18).


No tickets or shares in the lottery games shall be sold by or to persons under the age of eighteen (18). In the case of lottery tickets or shares sold by lottery game retailers or their employees, such persons shall establish safeguards to help assure that such sales are not made to natural persons under the age of eighteen (18).


A person may not sell a lottery ticket or share to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years. A minor may not purchase lottery tickets or shares and may not redeem winning tickets or shares.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter except as provided in subsection (2) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) or imprisoned up to six (6) months or be both so fined and imprisoned.

ADA Requirements

American Disabilities Act (ADA):

Under Title 11 of the Federal Americans With Disabilities Act, the Idaho Lottery must ensure that all of our products be accessible to individuals with disabilities. With this in mind, we have developed a plan, which partners the Idaho Lottery with our retailers to accomplish the goal of ADA compliance. An ADA Coordinator will contact you regarding reaching the goal of serving everyone in Idaho.

The Idaho Lottery assures that all Lottery retailers are in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding lottery ticket access and purchase. We cannot issue a permanent license to sell lottery tickets if you are not in compliance with the ADA as it applies to access to lottery products. However, in certain circumstances a provisional license may be issued.

If you meet other retail application requirements and receive a provisional license, we’ll schedule a visit by one of our ADA Site Surveyors to your establishment. The survey will indicate what actions, if any, are needed to achieve ADA compliance.

Our goal is to help you achieve ADA compliance with minimum disruption or cost to your operation. The cost of achieving compliance with ADA regulations for lottery sales will never exceed 10% of your lottery gross profit in any single year.

If you have questions about ADA Requirements, email avitek@lottery.idaho.gov
Angela Vitek, Charitable Gaming & ADA Coordinator
Idaho Lottery Enforcement Division - (208) 334-2277

Do you still have questions about becoming a retailer?

If you do, email lpolowski@lottery.idaho.gov
Larry Polowski, Deputy Director of Sales
Idaho Lottery Enforcement Division - (208) 780-2540