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$1,317,004,483 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!

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Name Price Percent Sold Top Prizes Remaining High Tier Prizes Remaining
One-word Cashword $3 14.23% 2 5 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$30,000 2
$1,000 3
$120 151
$100 93
$60 237
$40 2249
$30 3980
Buffalo Bingo $3 45.78% 1 1 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$30,000 1
$300 1
$200 64
$100 174
$50 533
$36 1062
Slimy Slingo $3 51.43% 1 3 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$30,000 1
$1,000 2
$100 55
$78 56
$50 76
$36 1269
$26 940
Cashword $3 95.76% 1 1 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$35,000 1
$1,000 0
$200 11
$100 42
$60 61
$30 313