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$1,317,916,744 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Funded Projects

Date: February 2025

School: North Gem Elementary

Wish Delivered: 3D Printer Recycling

Teacher Alex Sandoval says "This year the kids have had the opportunity to design and print gifts for members of their families. A few of the kids have made ornaments for their moms, with the name of each family member printed on the ornament. The excitement they have had as they thoughtfully created and printed items unique to those they love. Some students have also designed and printed things intended for themselves but instead gave them to a sibling or a cousin. They have come in and shared this thoughtful act with me, followed with, "They really liked it and figured I could just print another one here." Having filament readily available, allows the kids to continue to design and create not just for themselves but for others."

Wish Amount: $6,950

Date: February 2025

School: Madison Middle

Wish Delivered: Printer and printer ink

Teacher Sundee Barrus says "In our ELA and Google Suite classes, students create original documents and writing. Students love to see their work come to life in color. At the end of the year, I create a portfolio for each student to keep of the work they have done. To be able to print the documents in color in my classroom would benefit the students as they would be able to keep their original work rather than just having it saved on the school's computers."

Wish Amount: $285.00

Date: February 2025

School: Popplewell Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher Jennifer Ross says "I am a Special Educator who works at Popplewell Elementary School in Buhl. My position as a Behavior Lead Teacher is new to the school district this year. We have found that there is a great need for our youngest students to receive direct instruction in self-regulation skills as well as social skills. By learning these skills at an early age, our students will have more success functioning in the general education setting, and will obtain the academic skills they need for future success. Fortunately, I have a great, research-based curriculum to use with our students, but I don't have a hospitable place to provide my instruction! I have access to an empty classroom, but it does not contain the types of items needed to provide kids with a calming space that will meet their sensory needs while they are working through their lessons with me."

Wish Amount: $517.37

Date: February 2025

School: Rulon Ellis Elementary

Wish Delivered: Sensory Supplies

Teacher Emily Jayme says "My current 2nd grade class is composed of approximately 30% students with diagnosed ADHD and/or trauma backgrounds. Some of my students' behaviors in school have added to the trauma of other students. I have recently completed training in Bal-A-Vis-X which is a simple exercise program that I can use with my students to help them self regulate and create pathways in their brains to calm them and prepare their brains for learning. I am very excited to work with students and help provide the support that they need to be successful in the classroom."

Wish Amount: $775.55

Date: February 2025

School: Washington Elementary

Wish Delivered: STEM Supplies

Teacher Hallie Reikowsky says "The requested dramatic play learning tools will be used by grades Kindergarten through 4th reaching over 250 students. Joining me in our cozy learning tent surrounded by plum trees and open skies, each individual class attends our OE course at least once every week for 40 minutes (multiple classes join a second weekly session). With these supplies students will: Use STEM methodology to build shelters and habitat for each animal. Make ecological connections that all creatures rely upon one another via the food chain for balanced population dynamics. Apply knowledge and use natural items and puppets to dramatize how the food chain works. Strengthen literacy skills using reading resources to find answers. Use critical thinking skills to solve imbalanced food chain and genetic pattern scenarios. Understand the significance of Idaho’s natural resources by making connections through dramatic play. Building a collection of dramatic play items and growing our library will enhance our program and deepen scientific inquiry lessons. These tools will be used in a specific ecology learning block as well as used year round for many other learning opportunities."

Wish Amount: $434.27

Date: February 2025

School: Orofino Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Furniture

Teacher Brynn Knudson says "My students are extremely active this year and have very diverse needs. I have two wobble stools in my classroom that are benefitting students tremendously. Since I only have two I don't have enough to meet the needs of my students. Wobble stools, also known as balance stools, offer a unique seating option that can benefit a wide range of students, especially those with diverse learning styles and needs. The key benefit I have witnessed is significant improvement in focus and attention."

Wish Amount: $509.00

Date: February 2025

School: Highland School District

Wish Delivered: Classroom Books

Teacher Kaleigh Poxleitner says "This will be my first year teaching literary studies (beginning in January) and we are lacking a supply of books beyond the boring classics. I want to be able to get multiple students interested in reading, and in order to do that, I need a larger variety of texts."

Wish Amount: $932.66

Date: February 2025

School: Orofino Jr. Senior High

Wish Delivered: Whiteboard and whiteboard supplies

Teacher Clarissa Beauregard says "I teach high school students ELA. We've been practicing more vertical learning, which is where they are working at white boards, standing and in groups. These groupings have immensely impacted the amount of buy-in, engagement, and critical thinking in all of my classes. We notoriously have low engagement throughout our school, but these vertical learning activities have proven that movement and allowing for more small group discussion and critical thinking increases student engagement."

Wish Amount: $393.85