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$1,189,000,000 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Funded Projects

Date: July 2024

School: Weiser High School

Wish Delivered: Feminine products

Teacher Katie Maloney says "We are a high poverty area and so many of our girls do not have the availability to purchase period products AND often girls are caught off guard and don't have supplies with them. The "Days for Girls" got us started with the boxes and they have been very respectfully used over the past couple of months and we would like to keep the program going."

Wish Amount: $100.00

Date: July 2024

School: St. Maries High School

Wish Delivered: Books, storage, and new desk

Teacher Alyssa Geldreich says "Our school has no library and hardly funds the books for our English program. We are severely lacking in funding and the students are the ones suffering. All of our books and sources are almost completely gone and what we do have in the school is funded by the other English teachers. At the moment I have none of the above books which are all apart of our curriculum for the school. I have had to pay out of pocket for audiobooks and the students struggle with these. They have a hard time making connections without any physical books."

Wish Amount: $5,641.23

Date: June 2024

School: Indian Hills Elementary

Wish Delivered: Field trip transportation

Teacher Deri Hall says "For the last several years, the fourth grade teachers at Indian Hills Elementary have taken our students on an adventure. We need two charter buses to hold all the excitement that our 87 students hold. We then travel down the road and stop at Grace Fish Hatchery. Students learn all about the native fish of Idaho first hand. Then we move on to Hooper Springs Park just outside of Soda Springs... Lastly, we spend a few hours at The National California/Oregon Trail Museum in Montpelier. Students experience what it might be like to ride in a wagon, see artifacts from people who lived years ago, and hear how those people traversing the Oregon Trail survived. Besides all of this, they get to see how beautiful Idaho truly is. Some of our students have never left Pocatello. It is an experience that they will remember their whole lives. It is an education of truly learning about their state first hand and connecting it to lessons they have already learned about Idaho"

Wish Amount: $1,000.00

Date: May 2024

School: West Junior High School

Wish Delivered: Feminine products

Teacher Silvana Stoll says "These items will help ALL female students at West Junior High. West currently provides period products to all students for FREE (via donations) in all of the girl's bathrooms. This allows students to not be embarrassed, have less time out of class, as well as improving attendance as research shows that many students miss at least one day of school a month due to having their period. In the past I have had students come into my office and ask, "Mrs. Stoll, do you have a tampon? I don't want to go to the nurse and ask because the other students in there will know." This removes the stigma associated with a biological function. We empower female students who check and restock the baskets a few times each week. This has been one of the best programs I have coordinated in my 31 years as a counselor in the Boise School District!"

Wish Amount: $120.00

Date: May 2024

School: Ustick Elementary School

Wish Delivered: New books, flex seating, and snacks

Teacher Callie Epps says "The books will provide more engaging reading material for our students in the classroom. Our school library has a limited amount of popular books that often times our students don't get to check out or have to wait weeks to do so... The flex seating allows for students to have movement while also staying engaged in their learning. Providing students with a choice of what they would like to sit on throughout the day teaches them ownership for their actions and responsibility for the classroom tools. Our student population has more than 75% of our students on free and reduced lunches. We have a very hungry student population. Often times our students come to school hungry and stay hungry throughout the day. Providing snacks will help students retain the energy they need throughout the day to keep on learning. Snacks will also cause some unwanted student behaviors to dissipate because everybody is happy with a full stomach."

Wish Amount: $648.84

Date: May 2024

School: Meridian Academy High School

Wish Delivered: Counseling group supplies

Teacher Megan Peterman says "I am the only counselor at our school, which is a public school in the West Ada School District for students who qualify as at-risk of not graduating. Students here often qualify though mental health concerns that families do not have the resources to treat. I have enough supplies on this list to run 3 separate small counseling groups, and have a counselor intern who could assist with making this group powerful in supporting students in removing barriers of anxiety and depression and meeting their goal of graduating high school. I would identify students who are struggling with academic progress due to anxiety and depression, get parent permission for a counseling group, and prioritize students without insurance or who do not have access to counseling resources outside of school."

Wish Amount: $880.00

Date: May 2024

School: Hillsdale Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Life skills materials

Teacher Kayla Blaisdell says "I currently teach in an extended resource special education classroom. We have students with moderate to severe disabilities. In the past, I have had many students with lower support needs and we focused on academics quite heavily. This year I have accrued an extremely high caseload of students, including many students with high support needs that focus on life skills instruction. Unfortunately, at this time I do not have many life skills materials needed to support these students and I do not have a budget to purchase these items. These items would allow for me to support life skills instruction with not only students with high support needs, but also with all of my students. This allows for instruction in life skills such as communication, cause and effect, social skills, cooking, cleaning, and pre-academic concepts. My special education program continues to grow and change and it is important that we have the right materials to meet the needs of our students."

Wish Amount: $1,674.33

Date: May 2024

School: Eagle Elementary School

Wish Delivered: New tables and chairs

Teacher Jacqueline White says "As a kindergarten teacher, I've witnessed firsthand the impact of classroom environment on student learning and engagement. I recall a particular instance where a group of students struggled to collaborate effectively during a hands-on science experiment due to the cramped, broken tables and chairs. This experience highlighted the urgent need for furniture that supports collaboration, creativity, and active participation. I envision a classroom where students are excited to come to school every day, eager to explore, learn, and grow. By investing in new tables and chairs, we can create a space where every child feels valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential."

Wish Amount: $3,834.00