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$1,189,000,000 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Funded Projects

Date: May 2024

School: Fernwaters Public Charter School

Wish Delivered: New book unit and new STEAM supplies

Teacher Meriah Baker says "My wishlist will support a new book unit filled with problems and solutions, readers theatre opportunities for when I teach about the Silk Road, triangular trade and economy in my United States History class, and most importantly I want to have more learning materials at my student's disposal during my STEAM class. I've since learned that students need a safe place to make mistakes, talk through their ideas and collaborate, manage discourse, and just design with their hands. "

Wish Amount: $990.14

Date: May 2024

School: Butte County High School

Wish Delivered: New Tables

Teacher Katie Hawley says "I am in desperate need of ten new classroom tables. The tables I have are old, wobbly, and are missing feet so the carpet is damaged when they are moved. I teach several different subjects and courses and use tables regularly. I need to purchase sturdy durable tables for my students to work on that will last for years to come. I have personally purchased the Husky workbench for tables at my home, and they are sturdy and durable. These items will benefit my students and classroom by having sturdy durable tables to work at. They cut fabric, sew, and work on projects regularly in my classes. "

Wish Amount: $3,370.00

Date: May 2024

School: Lewis & Clark Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Classroom supplies, books, and organizational tools

Teacher Jessica Westfall says "I am a first-year teacher working in a low socioeconomic school, where many students come to class without the basic supplies they need to learn effectively. As a result, I am often dipping into my own pocket to provide these essentials. The classroom itself is also in need of some attention. There are empty bookshelves, a printer that's not functioning well enough to keep up with the demands of the class, a large need for storage, and a lack of basic supplies that could really enhance the learning environment."

Wish Amount: $3,308.38

Date: May 2024

School: Deary Elementary

Wish Delivered: Sensory space

Teacher Kym Fredrickson says "I work with students of varying needs as a Special Education Teacher. I have multiple students that are non-verbal, Autistic, have anxiety, sensory processing, and/or other disabilities that make it difficult to cope in a typical classroom environment. I am working on turning the office attached to my classroom into a sensory space for students to come and use coping skills, take a break, and generally regroup/refocus so they can get back into a clear mental space where they are able to return to class and learn with their peers."

Wish Amount: $767.09

Date: May 2024

School: Hayden Canyon Charter

Wish Delivered: Choral Risers

Teacher Lori Marvin says "We celebrate the Arts and Sciences here at Hayden Canyon Charter. We are a Project-Based Learning School where we treasure student discovery and learning by doing. Our music program includes everyone. Every student here gets an opportunity to experience the joy of making music and performing music. Currently, our stage has no choral risers, placing up to 100 students all on the same level during performances. In order for our students to see their audience and for the audience to see them, risers are sorely needed. We humbly ask to be considered. This would mean so much to our entire campus, students and audiences alike. This would greatly improve our program and offer better quality performances to our Music department. This is our goal, to become better each year. Thank you for helping make this happen."

Wish Amount: $3,363.04

Date: April 2024

School: Sacajawea Middle School

Wish Delivered: STEM supplies

Teacher Theresa Du Chemin says "
Many of our students already show interest in various career fields of engineering, so having these listed tools for students to expand their learning and further develop their passion areas will be greatly beneficial. These materials will be helpful to students we serve this year, and for years to come as the items we have listed are reliable and connect across many subject areas to fit students’ interest areas in some way allowing them to maximize their full potential and to thrive, flourish, and create."

Wish Amount: $6,132.80

Date: April 2024

School: Kimberly Middle School

Wish Delivered: Monitors, keyboards, mice, and keyboard covers

Teacher Kelli Paulsen says "In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the way students learn and engage with academic content. One indispensable aspect of this technological integration is the incorporation of monitors, keyboards, keyboard covers, and mice in the classroom. These seemingly mundane peripherals hold the key to unlocking a plethora of benefits, transforming the educational experience for students and educators alike. Our students are working with old monitors, keyboards, and mice that are failing. We need to upgrade our systems so that our students are learning the capabilities of technology in their generation. This would directly affect all 503 of our current middle school students and enhance learning and productivity in our computer room."

Wish Amount: $5,386.38

Date: April 2024

School: New Plymouth Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Cubbies

Teacher Ashley Tappana says "We do not have any type of organizational cubby system in our classroom to keep backpacks and coats in a confined area and off the floor. We know that students thrive off of routine, predictability, and organization. Right now, we try and keep all items in an open recessed closet space, but there is simply not enough hooks and space for all of the lunches, coats, and backpacks. This results in coats and backpacks ending up on the floor in a pile due to us rotating 72 fifth graders throughout the day. By rearranging the classroom and adding these cubbies, it will prevent items from being lost and promote a cohesive and organized classroom. By providing these cubbies, our fifth graders will have the calm and organized space they deserve!"

Wish Amount: $239.45