The Idaho Lottery delivered one of the largest Classroom Wishlist awards of the year to Sacajawea Middle and Jenifer Middle Schools in Lewiston in late April. Both schools will share the award which includes codable robots, engineering kits, and two 3-D printers plus other supplies worth $6,132 for the two schools’ STEM programs.
Gifted program facilitators Theresa Duchemin and Cheyenne Gregg (jenifer) worked together to submit a classroom Wishlist. Both requested items that would benefit their students, as many of them are interested in the STEM field.
“Many of our students already show interest in various career fields of engineering,” said Theresa Du Chemin, Sacajawea’s Gifted and Talented program facilitator. “These tools will strengthen their passions and enhance their real-world skills to link middle and high school experiences with career pathways that will prepare them for their lives after graduation.”
When the Lottery arrived with the items, both of them were filled with emotions seeing their Wishlist be delivered.
"We're really excited to have some new material and have the kids be really excited to get to use them and use them as much as they want and not have to wait for it, " Jenifer Middle School Gifted and Talented Facilitator Cheyenne Gregg said.
The new materials will be used in the new gifted program, offering students special topics that they can work on with a facilitator throughout an entire school year.