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$1,313,048,049 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Do Good

Last year, we gave $60 million back to Idaho Public Schools and the Permanent Building Fund. With that money, school districts improved and repaired their facilities so students can have the best possible environment for success.

Some years, that means upgrading and repairing the restrooms…like in Filer, Payette, Horseshoe Bend, Shelley and Bear Lake as well as at Moscow Charter, Heritage Academy and the College of Southern Idaho.

“For over 30 years, the Idaho Lottery has delivered results for the children of the Gem State,” said Executive Director Jeff Anderson. “Lottery dividends of nearly a billion dollars have been used for repairs and maintenance of school facilities. For the past thirteen years as Lottery Director, I’ve been known to say we’re about inanimate objects – a roof or heating and air conditioning system replaced, a playground improved for fun and safety, a new floor, parking lot or classroom paint job – but I must say I’ve never talked about new and improved restrooms! Not until now, anyway.”

“When you imagine what a contemporary school facility looks like, it goes beyond the hallways. Clean, safe, and modern restrooms are essential. When citizens play the Lottery, Every Play Pays. Even for new tile, sinks and toilets.”

Right now, Idaho Lottery tickets might not be at the top of your list, but we can all remember how important the seemingly small acts we do can affect the world around us. Don’t forget to check-in on your friends and neighbors, especially those in vulnerable populations. Find ways to support local businesses in your area. If you have to be out in public, show kindness to those who don’t have the choice to stay in.

There may be a lot of uncertainty in the near future, but the Idaho Lottery will always remain committed to one thing, to Do Good. We hope you will join us.