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Holy Cow! Nampa Man Claims $10,000

Kevin Barton Won $10,000 on Double Match
Kevin Barton Won $10,000 on Double Match

It turned out to be a great Friday for Kevin Barton from Nampa. The day started just like any other day for Kevin. He and his wife got up early and ran all their errands before the day's heat became too taxing to do work outside. One of their stops was at Big Smoke in Nampa where Kevin's wife bought a few Idaho Lottery Scratch tickets for herself and her husband.

After getting home and putting away the groceries, Kevin went out to work on a project. Before he could leave, though, his wife asked why he hadn't played his $2 Double Match scratch ticket.

So he played it, scratched it off. His number 6 matched a winning number 6 and the prize was $10,000. Kevin handed it to his wife calmly and said, "There, I scratched it," and left it with her.

When she looked at it she exclaimed with tremendous excitement, "Holy Cow! That's $10,000! We gotta go to Boise right now."

The couple didn't really believe it was true until the ticket was validated at Customer Service at the Lottery Offices about an hour later. The pair said they'll help their grand kids with college with their winnings.