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$1,317,350,600 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Million Dollar Feeling

Ahadi Kamulete asked his supervisor to leave work early one Tuesday afternoon in December because he had a feeling.

“I work hard. I never take time off. I never leave early,” said Kamulete. “But I had a feeling all day that I needed to buy a lottery ticket.”

His supervisor granted his request and Kamulete soon found himself at certainly the luckiest store in Idaho, and possibly the luckiest store in America: Jacksons #10 on Orchard at I-84 in Boise.

Once there, he bought two of the $50 tickets for the game $1,000,000 Cash and didn’t win. “I just felt like I had to buy another one,” he said as he bought a third ticket. He only scratched the barcode, scanned it, and saw it was a winner. The vending machine instructed Kamulete to contact the Idaho Lottery office. He confirmed that instruction from the clerk at Jacksons.

Believing he’d only won $500, twenty minutes later (and ten minutes before the Lottery Office closed for the day), Kamulete walked into the Idaho Lottery lobby with his winning ticket. He had never played it out.

Idaho Lottery Customer Service scanned the ticket and informed him he had won $1,000,000 – the game’s top prize. Kamulete immediately fell to his knees with excitement. When he stood, he exclaimed repeatedly, “I’m rich! I’m rich! I’m rich!”

Originally from The Congo, Kamulete recently moved to Idaho from South Dakota to work at a meat plant in Boise. He plans to at least buy himself a new car with his winnings.

Jacksons #10 in Boise is the only store in America to ever sell TWO jackpot winning tickets on Powerball. In addition, the store has sold a $200,000 top scratch winner, a $300,000 top scratch winner, and now this $1,000,000 top prize on the Scratch game $1,000,000 Cash.