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Caribbean Calling for Middleton Man Who Won $5,000 on Broncos Ticket

Kokomo might be a fictional island in the Caribbean, but recent Lottery winner Randy Baird from Middleton says he will do his best to try and find it.  Baird is the first winner of $5,000 on the Broncos Scratch Game and he plans to put his winnings to good use this weekend.

 "My wife and I got roped into a family trip to Jamaica and we were worried about we were going to pay for it," explained Baird.  "We have been a little stressed about our finances the past couple of weeks since we agreed to go."

 Last night, Baird stopped at the Jacksons in Middleton to pick up his Powerball tickets and also got his wife a $5 Broncos Scratch ticket.

 "I'd won $5 on the Bengals Scratch ticket, so I thought maybe the Broncos ticket would be lucky, too," said Baird. 

 He gave the ticket to his wife who scratched it and noticed it had the winning Bronco mascot logo symbol and a $5,000 prize beneath it.  Shocked and in disbelief, she called out to Randy to see the ticket.

 "You know, there's a tone in the voice your wife has when something just isn't right," explained Baird. "I was worried it was something bad, but this was great!"

 Baird claimed his winning prize adorned in a Boise State Broncos hat, a Broncos lanyard, and wearing a blue shirt on Thursday morning at Lottery Offices.

 And the timing couldn't be better. The Baird's leaves Sunday for Jamaica. And just like the classic Beach Boys song Kokomo, the Baird's plan to get there fast and then take it slow with their family.  And $5,000!