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$1,314,819,340 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Rock on, Cameron, rock on!

When Cameron Lundberg showed up at the Idaho Lottery holding a $1,000 winning MONOPOLYTM Super Ticket, his first question was if his dog could join him in his picture.

Absolutely. Cameron went to the car and brought in his dog, Chester. Chester was as excited as Cameron, jumping around the lobby of the Lottery and even donning Mr. Monopoly’s hat for the photo.

In mid-May, Cameron bought two MONOPOLYTM tickets after his work shift from the Jacksons on Pocatello Creek Road in Pocatello. He took them home, scratched them, and didn’t believe what he was seeing.

“I showed all my roommates, and they couldn’t believe it either,” explained Cameron. “I’ve never won anything more than $100 before!”

Cameron plans to use his winnings on a rock-n-roll vacation to The Gorge Amphitheater on the Columbia River for a summer music concert. “There’s a place where you can sit, listen to the music and watch the sunset. It’s the most beautiful place on earth,” he said.

Rock on, Cameron and Chester, rock on!