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$1,314,636,686 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Thanks to You!

The single most successful sales year in Idaho Lottery history translated into the largest dividend ever returned to the People of Idaho for Fiscal Year 2018. During a presentation in the Governor's Ceremonial Office at the Idaho State Capitol, Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter accepted a record-setting dividend check from the Idaho State Lottery Commission for $53.5 million on behalf of the citizens of Idaho. This year's dividend is $5 million more than last year's dividend.

"For nearly three decades, the Idaho Lottery has been winning for our communities, our local businesses, and certainly for Idaho Idaho's public schools and the State's permanent buildings," Governor Otter said. "Throughout my time as Governor, the Idaho Lottery has maintained its focus on integrity, fairness, and fun while providing great benefits to the people of Idaho."

"This past year's achievements are the result of great work from a devoted team of professionals at the Idaho Lottery," said Jeff Anderson, Idaho Lottery Director. "Our success is made possible by the continued support from our players and the collaborative partnership of our valued retailers, 1,200 brick and mortar establishments who sell our products every day of the year."

During the ceremony, Governor Otter and Lottery Commission Chairman Mel Fisher presented Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra with a record-setting, $33,437,500 dividend check. Of that, $20,062,500 is earmarked for the Department of Education for use by the districts in their public schools and the remaining $13,375,000 goes to the Department's Bond Levy Equalization Fund. Since inception, the Idaho Lottery has contributed $466.5 million to these accounts in support of Public Education in Idaho.

"A well-maintained school supports a positive learning environment for students and the Lottery funding helps support that by providing dedicated funding to tackle improvement projects," Superintendent Sherri Ybarra said.

Governor Otter and Commissioner Fisher also presented a record dividend check for $20,062,500 to the Department of Administration's Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council Chairman Dee Jameson. This is the single largest dividend provided to the Permanent Building Fund in Idaho Lottery history.

"The permanent Building Fund is pleased and thankful to receive the largest proceeds check ever presented in the history of the Idaho Lottery," said Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council Chairman Dee Jameson. "These funds will be applied to a growing backlog of needs to our universities and colleges as well as our other State agencies. The Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council will put these funds to the best benefit for the citizens of Idaho served by those schools and agencies. Thank You."

A special thank you to you, our players, who make difference for Idaho!