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Wooh Crew to the Rescue, Helps Meridian Woman Win $10,000

Marlene Martinson is starting off the summer right, and it’s all because she got a little bit of help from the Idaho Lottery’s Wooh Crew.  Marlene is the first winner in the Beat the Heat, second-chance summer promotion from the Idaho Lottery.  When the temperature in Lewiston, Idaho reached 101 degrees on Wednesday, June 2, that guaranteed the first draw for Beat the Heat would be for $10,000.

On Tuesday, June 8, the Wooh Crew hosted an event and Beat the Heat party at the Ranch Market on Warm Springs in southeast Boise.  Marlene attended, just to play Beat the Heat.

“The Wooh Crew really helped me out. They showed me how to enter the ticket for the second chance,” described Marlene.  “This is a great way to start summer.”

Marlene claimed her prize from Lottery offices in Boise on a very cold and rainy Thursday, June 10.  That weather wasn’t getting her down, though.  It was the last day of school for her son.  Her family are planning to start off summer with an RV trip to Yellowstone National Park and her winnings are going to help.

Thanks to the Idaho Lottery’s Wooh Crew, congratulations Marlene, on winning $10,000 on your way to Beat the Heat!

During the next five weeks, the hotter the temperature, the hotter the prizes for the Beat the Heat second chance promotion.  The highest recorded temperature anywhere in Idaho during the previous week will determine the amount won on Wednesday.

100º or hotter = $10,000
90º - 99º = $5,000
80º - 89º = $1,000
Below 80º = $500

To be eligible, players need to submit any non-winning Beat the Heat tickets through the Idaho Lottery’s VIP club website at vip.idaholottery.com or via tele-entry at 208-334-4656 before 11:59 am on Wednesday. The Beat the Heat promotion runs through July 14.