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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Idaho Lottery Issues Marketing Services Request for Proposals

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô The Idaho Lottery has formally issued three separate Marketing Services Requests for Proposal to solicit bids from responsible, responsive, and experienced advertising and marketing firms. The Idaho Lottery is requesting interested Idaho marketing and advertising firms to respond to one, or all three proposals for the categories of "Media Services", "Creative Services", and "Strategic Planning".

"Good government requires the Lottery to be transparent with respect to the marketing and advertising services we contract for," said Jeff Anderson, Idaho Lottery Director. "It is incumbent upon us when providing economic opportunity for Idaho businesses to find the best value for the people of Idaho while maintaining the highest quality standards in our industry to communicate our value proposition to our players."

DaviesMoore, a full-service communications agency based in Boise, is currently the Idaho Lottery's Agency of Record and has been under contract since the summer of 2009. This contact will expire on December 31st of this year.

ÔÇï"Our prudent examination of how we operate the Lottery, and taking our advertising and marketing services contracts out for public bid, are in no way a reflection on the performance and contributions made by DaviesMoore," added Anderson. "With a contract of this size and importance, we believe it is our responsibility to do due diligence and examine the opportunities this may present."

The Idaho Lottery was created in 1989 and during its 23-year history, all advertising and marketing services contracts have been managed by Idaho-based agencies.ÔÇï

ÔÇï"From the advertising agencies, to the production houses and on-air talent, we are proud to, whenever possible, source our advertising contract work with Idaho companies and talent," said Anderson.

ÔÇïRespondents to the RFPs have until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 to provide the Idaho Lottery with written proposal submissions. A copy of each of the Marketing Services RFP may be downloaded from the Idaho Lottery's website at www.idaholottery.com under "the Idaho Lottery" tab, Marketing Services RFP drop-down menu.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600