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BINGO is her Game-O! Nampa Woman Claims $100,000 Idaho Bingo Jackpot

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇôÔÇï Sandy Pickrel, Nampa, started playing the Idaho Lottery's new Draw Game, Idaho Bingo about two weeks ago. Her rationale? "Bingo is just fun!" That enthusiasm paid off when Pickrel became the Idaho Lottery's first ever Idaho Bingo jackpot winner of $100,000 on a ticket she purchased at Winco Foods in Meridian.

ÔÇïPickrel usually checks her numbers on-line at the Lottery's website. After doing so Thursday night, she thought she'd won maybe $50, so she took the ticket back to Winco Foods on Friday afternoon for them to check it. They did, had her sign the ticket immediately, and told her to take the ticket to the Lottery office.

ÔÇï"I won the Lottery, I won the Lottery, I won the flippin' Lottery!" exclaimed Pickrel.

ÔÇïAfter keeping the ticket safe for the weekend, Pickrel brought the ticket to Boise on Monday afternoon, still in a state of disbelief. It wasn't until she was handed her big winning check that the realization that she had won truly set in.

ÔÇï"I still don't believe it," said the life-long Treasure Valley native. "I'm going to pay some debts then help my daughters with this. This is amazing. Bingo is definitely my game!"

ÔÇïFor their part in selling the winning ticket, Winco Foods receives a bonus from the Idaho Lottery of $10,000.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600