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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Idaho Lottery Awards Gaming System Services Contract to INTRALOT, USA

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô The Idaho Lottery has reached an agreement and signed a contract with INTRALOT Group, USA to provide a secure central gaming system capable of delivering, managing, and accounting for all current in-state and multi-state Draw Games as well as inventory control and logistics for the full complement of Scratch Games.

The term of their new contract is ten years, beginning October 1, 2017 and running through September 30, 2027. The terms of the agreement include an option to extend this contract up to a maximum of two additional five-year terms. The value of the initial term is estimated to be $60 million. INTRALOT, USA is headquartered in Duluth, Georgia.

"The Idaho Lottery has had a long and productive working relationship with INTRALOT, USA and we are pleased today to announce this partnership will continue for another decade and perhaps further into the future," said Idaho Lottery Director, Jeff Anderson. "This contract allows the Idaho Lottery an opportunity to improve the technology of the central gaming system, and at retail, to provide world-class quality services to our players and retailers while continuing to protect the security and integrity of our games here in the Gem State."

"We are really honored today to seal the agreement with Idaho Lottery, allowing us to continue to provide our leading gaming solutions to one of our most valuable customers," stated Mr. Nikos Nikolakopoulos, Interim CEO of INTRALOT Inc. and INTRALOT Group COO. "I would like to personally thank the Idaho Lottery Management Team for their trust. Our experienced US team will closely cooperate with the Lottery team in the new period to help the Lottery meet its goals for responsible growth and stronger returns for good causes."

The award of this contract is the culmination of a process that began in September of 2015 with a Request for Information, an exhaustive Request for Proposal Process that began in June of 2016 and resulted in the recommendation of INTRALOT as the Apparent Successful Vendor in November of 2016. INTRALOT is the current provider of these services and has been under contract in Idaho since 2007.

"This agreement allows for the continuance of the Lottery's traditional game offerings, including Scratch Games and Draw Games, such as Powerball," added Anderson. "We firmly believe in transparency of government contracting. The process to reach this award was open, fair, highly competitive, and in accordance with Idaho law. This contract award does not constitute an expansion of gaming in the State of Idaho and is in the best interest of the Lottery, Idaho's citizens, and our beneficiaries: Idaho Public Schools and the Permanent Building Fund of our great State."

Currently, on behalf of the Idaho Lottery, INTRALOT operates 1,063 retail terminals, 319 full-service self-activated vending machines, 60 self-service machines for draw games only, and 540 electronic jackpot signs at 1,041 retail locations in 173 towns and cities across the Gem State.

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The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $3.1 billion in products, awarded over $1.9 billion in prizes to players, returned $186.5 million in retail commissions, and distributed $744 million in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and the Permanent Building Fund. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

INTRALOT, a public listed company established in 1992, is a leading gaming solutions supplier and operator active in 55 regulated jurisdictions around the globe. With Ôé¼1.91 billion turnover and a global workforce of more than 5,200 employees in 2015. INTRALOT is an innovation ÔÇô driven corporation focusing its product development on the customer experience. The company is uniquely positioned to offer to lottery and gaming organizations across geographies market-tested solutions and retail operational expertise. Through the use of a dynamic and omni-channel approach, INTRALOT offers an integrated portfolio of best-in-class gaming systems and product solutions & services addressing all gaming verticals (Lottery, Betting, Interactive, VLT). Players can enjoy a seamless and personalized experience through exciting games and premium content across multiple delivery channels, both retail and interactive. INTRALOT has been awarded with the prestigious WLA Responsible Gaming Framework Certification by the World Lottery Association (WLA) for its global lottery operations.

For more info: Ms. Dimitra Tzimou, Corporate Relations Manager, Phone: +30-210 6156000, Fax: +30-210 6106800, email: tzimou@intralot.com - www.intralot.com

CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600