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$1,315,485,982 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Idaho Lottery Surpasses $500,000,000 Dividend Mark

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Before completing its 22nd year of the operations, the Idaho Lottery has reached a major milestone. The Idaho Lottery confirmed that late Wednesday, March 23, 2011, they have earned enough revenue from their current fiscal year sales to have returned $500 million in dividends to the people of Idaho since inception.

"Yesterday marked a historic achievement in the success of the Idaho Lottery," stated Jeff Anderson, Idaho Lottery Director. "Our current sales forecast for Fiscal Year 2011 coupled with our previous contributions of $473.8 million gives me the opportunity to announce that since start-up in July of 1989, the Idaho Lottery has now generated dividend revenue for the people of Idaho in excess of one-half of a billion dollars."

The Idaho Lottery reached the annual sales figure late yesterday afternoon. Slightly over three months remain in the current fiscal year.

"Even though we've reached this milestone, we look forward to continuing our success by providing affordable entertainment for our players with the highest degree of security and integrity possible," added Anderson. "And with a couple of months left in the year, we are currently on pace to deliver our eighth consecutive record dividend, as promised, to the people of Idaho later this summer."

Idaho Lottery dividends benefit Idaho Public Schools through the Idaho Department of Education's Building Fund Account and Bond Levy Equalization Fund as well as the Department of Administration's Permanent Building Fund.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600