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Lady Luck: Hagerman Woman Wins Lottery Twice in Five Months

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Judy Secrest, Hagerman, has done it again, winning her second six-figure top prize on an Idaho Lottery Scratch Game in the last five months. Secrest claimed the final $200,000 top prize in the Idaho Lottery's 20th Anniversary Scratch Game.

"Ironically, I got the winning ticket as a 'gag' birthday gift," explained Secrest, a devoted Idaho Lottery player. "Great gag. I'm giggling all the way to the bank!"

Secrest got the ticket for her birthday around the first of December. After scratching the first line, realized she was holding the $200,000 top prize winning ticket in her hands. She immediately stopped scratching, turned it over, signed the back, then walked across the street to the bank where she opened a safety deposit box and kept the ticket until after the first of the year.

The reason she waited? Secrest won $150,000 in August 2009 playing the Idaho Lottery's $5,000,000 Super Payout. On the advice of her account and financial advisor, claiming a second, six-figure win could noticeably change her tax status prior to the end of the year. She waited to bring in the ticket until the first of the year.

"After the last big win, I told my banker to "rat-hole" it for me, so I think that's where this one is going to go, too. Putting it away for retirement," added Secrest whose only large expenditure from her August win was a "new-to-her" pick-up truck. "When people ask how I got my new truck I just tell them the Lottery bought it for me."

People who know Secrest at the Lottery retail locations in Buhl and Hagerman are just referring to her these days as "Hey Lucky". Her first winning ticket was bought at Oasis Stop 'n Go in Hagerman and her latest big winner was sold at Avid Sportsman in Buhl. For their part in selling the winning ticket, Avid Sportsman received a $20,000 bonus from the Idaho Lottery.

While waiting for her check in the Idaho Lottery's Winners Lobby, Secrest bought and played an Idaho Millions Scratch Game and won $40. "I guess the Lottery's buying me lunch today, too," she laughed.

Secrest's $200,000 win officially ends the 20th Anniversary game. The Idaho Lottery will hold a second-chance draw worth $50,000 for players who have entered non-winning 20th Anniversary tickets through the Lottery's website and via tele-entry. Players have until January 24, 2010 at 12 p.m. (noon) Mountain Time to enter for the drawing. The $50,000 winner will be announced by 3 p.m. Mountain Time on January 26, 2010 on the Lottery's website at idaholottery.com.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600