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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Magic Valley Wins Again! Paul Woman Claims $100,000 Prize from Twin Falls Store

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô There is definitely some Lottery magic happening in the Magic Valley. For the second time in as many days, a resident of the Magic Valley has claimed a top winning prize from the Idaho Lottery. Brenda Gifford, from Paul, won $100,000 on the Idaho Lottery Scratch Game Mega Money Cashword from a ticket she purchased at the Stinker Store on Addison.

"At first I thought I'd only won $5,000 but then I kept counting words," explained Gifford on her win. "I thought I only had eleven words. But after checking and re-checking and re-re-checking, I found the twelfth word!"

That extra word made her $5,000 win the last $100,000 top prize on Mega Money Cashword, officially ending a game that had sold over 95% of its tickets.

Gifford, who has worked in Twin Falls for the past 27 years, says she plans to pay a few bills and buy some furniture with her winnings.

Right now, the Magic Valley is the hottest areas for winning on Lottery tickets in Idaho. Since mid-April, there have been eight wins of more than $30,000 from players across the greater Magic Valley area including Mega Money Cashword's first top prize of $100,000 which was sold in Filer in April. These eight big wins equal more than all the other regions of Idaho combined over the same time period.

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The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $2.95 billion in products, awarded over $1.77 billion in prizes to players, returned more than $172.6 million in retail commissions, and distributed $694.5 million in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and the Permanent Building Fund. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600