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$1,315,485,982 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Congrats to Maria Torres Malua - she won $100,000 on the Lucky Jackpot Super Ticket!

CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600

'Wooh-hooing' All Weekend! Nampa Couple Claim $100,000 Super Ticket Prize

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Friday evening after work, Maria Torres Malua stopped at the Stinker Store #44 on Holly and Lincoln in Nampa to pick-up some 7-Up for her husband who was not feeling well. A regular Idaho Lottery Scratch Game player, Maria purchased some tickets.

"The Lucky Jackpot Super Ticket was new, so I got one of those and a couple of others," explained Maria. "I was so excited about this really big ticket that I didn't even buy the 7-Up which is why I stopped."

Lucky Jackpot Super Ticket is an oversized Scratch Game that features five different games on a single card. Each ticket is $10 and the top prize on the game is $100,000.

Once she arrived home, Maria scratched the ticket and quickly scanned the bar code with the Idaho Lottery's Check-a-Ticket app.

"It makes a 'Wooh-hoo' sound when you win. And that's exactly what it did. But it didn't tell us how much we'd won, only to contact the Idaho Lottery," explained Maria. "I thought I'd won $10,000."

Maria's husband then looked at the ticket, and realized the couple had won the Lucky Jackpot Super Ticket game's first top prize of $100,000.

"We checked it at a couple of stores, and then scanned it all weekend long," said Maria. "It just kept 'Wooh-hooing' all weekend."

For their part in selling the winning ticket, Stinker receives a bonus of $10,000. Since inception of the Idaho Lottery in 1989, proceeds from Lottery sales at Stinker #44 have contributed over $602,000 to benefit public schools in Canyon County.

CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600