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Pick a Perfect Bracket? It Could be Easier to Win Lottery Twice

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô As March Madness swings into full gear this week and bracketologists race to complete their NCAA picks, a USA Today article ran two days ago highlighting the idea that it is easier to win the Lottery twice than it is to correctly pick a complete NCAA bracket.

Ironically enough, this statement could be more true than first meets the eye since at least 10 Idaho Lottery players over the past four years (including two in the past six months) are repeat winners. The 10 repeat winners come from all corners of Idaho including Rexburg, the Magic Valley, the greater Treasure Valley and northern Idaho. All these winners have either won a "Match 5" prize on one of the Lottery's draw games (most at least six figures), or one of the highest, if not the top prize on a Scratch Game.

In the USA Today article, DePaul Math Professor Jeffrey Bergen suggests the odds of picking a perfect NCAA bracket are 1: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808. For winning big playing the Idaho Lottery, the odds of winning a "Match 5" $200,000 Powerball prize is 1:5,138,133 while the odds of winning six figures on a Scratch Game are about 1:240,000.

The link to the USA Today story is provided below.


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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600