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$1,315,485,982 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Weekly Grand ÔÇô Newest Idaho Lottery Game Debuts Today

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Idaho Lottery players have a new game to play that could win them $1,000 a week for an entire year! Today, the Idaho Lottery successfully launched their new, Idaho-only $2 Weekly Grand Draw Game. Tickets went on sale at 6:00 a.m. this morning. The first draw will be held this Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. Mountain Time.

"Our players really enjoy Idaho-only Draw Games with big prizes," said Idaho Lottery Director Jeff Anderson. "This game was already creating a lot of excitement from our dedicated players before we launched it. We're looking forward to it being successful, not only for our players, but also for our beneficiaries ÔÇô Idaho's public schools and the permanent building fund."

Weekly Grand is a traditional style Draw Game with a set jackpot prize of $52,000 paid out as $1,000 per week, every week for a year after the taxes are already paid by the Idaho Lottery. In the game, players try to match 5 numbers correctly out of a pool of 32 numbers. Players can select their own numbers or ask for a quick pick. Each play is $2. Drawings are held on Wednesday and Saturday nights, just like Powerball, Wild Card, and Hot Lotto Sizzler. Players may purchase tickets until 7:55 p.m. Mountain Time on the night of the draw.

In addition to the jackpot prize, there are other prizes in the game for matching winning numbers. Players who match four of the five numbers for a draw win $200. When players match three of the five numbers, they win $25. There are even prizes for players who match two numbers correctly and second-chance opportunities for all non-winning Weekly Grand tickets.

"Weekly Grand has a unique feature for one of our big jackpot Draw Games in that any time a player matches just two numbers correctly, they win a free ticket for the next game," described Anderson. "Players also have the chance each month to win $100 a week by entering their non-winning tickets through our website or Tele-entry system."

To enter for the second chance draw of Weekly Grand, players can visit idaholottery.com or call the Idaho Lottery's Tele-entry system at 208-334-4656.

Players can learn how to play Weekly Grand by visiting the Idaho Lottery's website at: https://www.idaholottery.com/games/draw/weekly-grand Then click on the "How to Play" tab.

Weekly Grand is the first traditional-style in-state Draw Game offered by the Idaho Lottery since Idaho Fast 5 was phased out in June 2000.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600