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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Wild Card Jackpot Winner! Nampa Man Claims $245,000

BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Moments before informally accepting a ceremonial check for his Wild Card jackpot win at Idaho Lottery offices in Boise, Robert Hibberd of Nampa received a phone call from his brother. The two spoke briefly before Hibberd explained he was in the middle of something and quickly hung up without telling his brother where he was or what he was doing.

"He has no idea I'm at the Lottery or that I just won $245,000," laughed Hibberd.

Hibberd's winning ticket was bought at Greenhurst Chevron in Nampa for last Saturday night's Wild Card draw. He was in the store on Sunday checking a Powerball winner and decided to check his Wild Card ticket, too. He handed it to the clerk who scanned the ticket and informed Hibberd he needed to claim his ticket in Boise.

"I knew it had to be a lot, but I didn't know how much it was," explained Hibberd. "I finally looked at the numbers and saw I had the big winner. I started calling people!"

Hibberd plans to use his winnings to open a business with his wife, Pretty Paws Dog Grooming.

"This couldn't have come at a better time for us, thank you," added Hibberd.

For their part in selling the winning ticket, Greenhurst Chevron will receive a bonus from the Idaho Lottery for $20,000.

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CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600