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returned to Idaho since 1989!


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Meetings & Minutes

Idaho Lottery Commission Approves Advertising Services Request for Proposals


BOISE, Idaho – During a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025, the Idaho Lottery Commission approved issuing a Request for Proposals seeking bids from quality and experienced advertising and marketing agencies.

“As a government entity, it is our fiduciary responsibility to evaluate the way we conduct our business activities. The Idaho Lottery is committed to good government and governance, and that requires evaluating our outsourced, contracted services,” said Andrew Arulanandam, Idaho Lottery Director. “It is incumbent for us to do our due diligence and examine all opportunities.”

Qualified advertising and marketing respondents to the RFP have until 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Friday, April 18, 2025, to provide the Idaho Lottery with written proposal submissions. A copy of the Advertising Services RFP may be downloaded from the Idaho Lottery’s website at https://www.idaholottery.com/p....


The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

Dispenser Inventory On-Counter Numbers

1-24 On Counter #’s single set / 1-24 On Counter #’s double set

Dispenser Inventory Jacksons Display Tray



2025 CW North Gem Elementary

Date: February 2025

School: North Gem Elementary

Wish Delivered: 3D Printer Recycling

Teacher Alex Sandoval says "This year the kids have had the opportunity to design and print gifts for members of their families. A few of the kids have made ornaments for their moms, with the name of each family member printed on the ornament. The excitement they have had as they thoughtfully created and printed items unique to those they love. Some students have also designed and printed things intended for themselves but instead gave them to a sibling or a cousin. They have come in and shared this thoughtful act with me, followed with, "They really liked it and figured I could just print another one here." Having filament readily available, allows the kids to continue to design and create not just for themselves but for others."

Wish Amount: $6,950

2025 CW Madison Middle

Date: February 2025

School: Madison Middle

Wish Delivered: Printer and printer ink

Teacher Sundee Barrus says "In our ELA and Google Suite classes, students create original documents and writing. Students love to see their work come to life in color. At the end of the year, I create a portfolio for each student to keep of the work they have done. To be able to print the documents in color in my classroom would benefit the students as they would be able to keep their original work rather than just having it saved on the school's computers."

Wish Amount: $285.00

2025 CW Popplewell Elementary

Date: February 2025

School: Popplewell Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher Jennifer Ross says "I am a Special Educator who works at Popplewell Elementary School in Buhl. My position as a Behavior Lead Teacher is new to the school district this year. We have found that there is a great need for our youngest students to receive direct instruction in self-regulation skills as well as social skills. By learning these skills at an early age, our students will have more success functioning in the general education setting, and will obtain the academic skills they need for future success. Fortunately, I have a great, research-based curriculum to use with our students, but I don't have a hospitable place to provide my instruction! I have access to an empty classroom, but it does not contain the types of items needed to provide kids with a calming space that will meet their sensory needs while they are working through their lessons with me."

Wish Amount: $517.37

2025 CW Rulon Ellis Elementary

Date: February 2025

School: Rulon Ellis Elementary

Wish Delivered: Sensory Supplies

Teacher Emily Jayme says "My current 2nd grade class is composed of approximately 30% students with diagnosed ADHD and/or trauma backgrounds. Some of my students' behaviors in school have added to the trauma of other students. I have recently completed training in Bal-A-Vis-X which is a simple exercise program that I can use with my students to help them self regulate and create pathways in their brains to calm them and prepare their brains for learning. I am very excited to work with students and help provide the support that they need to be successful in the classroom."

Wish Amount: $775.55

2025 CW Washington Elementary

Date: February 2025

School: Washington Elementary

Wish Delivered: STEM Supplies

Teacher Hallie Reikowsky says "The requested dramatic play learning tools will be used by grades Kindergarten through 4th reaching over 250 students. Joining me in our cozy learning tent surrounded by plum trees and open skies, each individual class attends our OE course at least once every week for 40 minutes (multiple classes join a second weekly session). With these supplies students will: Use STEM methodology to build shelters and habitat for each animal. Make ecological connections that all creatures rely upon one another via the food chain for balanced population dynamics. Apply knowledge and use natural items and puppets to dramatize how the food chain works. Strengthen literacy skills using reading resources to find answers. Use critical thinking skills to solve imbalanced food chain and genetic pattern scenarios. Understand the significance of Idaho’s natural resources by making connections through dramatic play. Building a collection of dramatic play items and growing our library will enhance our program and deepen scientific inquiry lessons. These tools will be used in a specific ecology learning block as well as used year round for many other learning opportunities."

Wish Amount: $434.27

Big Prizes, New Features for Mega Millions Means More Benefits for Idaho


BOISE, Idaho – A modified version of the popular game Mega Millions will debut in Idaho and nationwide this April.

The changes coming to Mega Millions include bigger prizes and a new, unique game play format. Included with every Mega Millions line of play purchased will be a randomly assigned multiplier feature. With the multiplier feature, players will increase their non-jackpot winning prizes by at least double the price of a ticket and could have them multiplied by as many as ten times. The new Mega Millions game will cost $5 per ticket.

“The price change for Mega Millions means Idaho players will have a very diverse portfolio of draw games to choose from at different prices with differing top jackpots,” said Larry Polowski, Idaho Lottery Sales Director. “While Mega Millions will have a unique game style, we still offer games with life-changing prizes that begin at $1 per play.”

Each of the past two years, Mega Millions has had two $1 billion or higher jackpot runs. This recent success of the game led to a nationwide call for innovation. As billion-dollar jackpots become more common, there was a request from players to share the prize money among more players. The modified Mega Millions game will do just that. Each ticket, or line of play, will be randomly assigned a multiplier number: 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, or 10X. Non-jackpot winning prizes will be a minimum of $10 or double the price to play; with the chance to win up to as much as $10 million for tickets that match all five of the first numbers, but not the Mega Ball.

The Idaho Lottery was created to benefit Idaho public schools and buildings. While the new changes may create faster growing, and larger jackpots, one thing is certain: approximately 35% of each ticket purchased by players will go directly to Idaho’s beneficiaries. Last year, Mega Millions alone contributed approximately $9.8 million, or about 11.7% to the Lottery’s record $84 million dividend.

Draws for Mega Millions will still occur every Tuesday and Friday night at 9 pm Mountain Time. The changes to Mega Millions will begin on April 5, 2025, and the first draw of the modified game will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.

Players who purchase ten advance draws for both games will see that number reduced by 1 draw for each subsequent draw beginning with the draw on March 4, 2025.



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

2025 CW Orofino Elementary

Date: February 2025

School: Orofino Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Furniture

Teacher Brynn Knudson says "My students are extremely active this year and have very diverse needs. I have two wobble stools in my classroom that are benefitting students tremendously. Since I only have two I don't have enough to meet the needs of my students. Wobble stools, also known as balance stools, offer a unique seating option that can benefit a wide range of students, especially those with diverse learning styles and needs. The key benefit I have witnessed is significant improvement in focus and attention."

Wish Amount: $509.00

2025 CW Highland School District

Date: February 2025

School: Highland School District

Wish Delivered: Classroom Books

Teacher Kaleigh Poxleitner says "This will be my first year teaching literary studies (beginning in January) and we are lacking a supply of books beyond the boring classics. I want to be able to get multiple students interested in reading, and in order to do that, I need a larger variety of texts."

Wish Amount: $932.66

2025 CW Orofino Jr. Senior High

Date: February 2025

School: Orofino Jr. Senior High

Wish Delivered: Whiteboard and whiteboard supplies

Teacher Clarissa Beauregard says "I teach high school students ELA. We've been practicing more vertical learning, which is where they are working at white boards, standing and in groups. These groupings have immensely impacted the amount of buy-in, engagement, and critical thinking in all of my classes. We notoriously have low engagement throughout our school, but these vertical learning activities have proven that movement and allowing for more small group discussion and critical thinking increases student engagement."

Wish Amount: $393.85

Wishlist Items for Everyone

The Idaho Lottery made a special Classroom Wishlist visit to Syringa Middle School in Caldwell in January. The school’s instructional coach, Kristy Rudan, asked for “wish items” for each teacher in the school.

“Imagine having over 40 wounds on your body, but no gauze, nothing to pack it with to stop the bleeding. You have no idea which wound to treat, which one is more serious,” began Rudan using a medic’s triage metaphor to describe the situation her teachers face at Syringa. “There is so much need everywhere you look, and they all bleed together. What do you do? Where do you begin to treat the wounds? Welcome to my classroom!”

As a lead support staff for the school, Rudan’s “class” of “students” are the 40 teachers who instruct over 700 middle schoolers every day. She sees the need of every teacher and, for the Christmas season’s Wishlist requests, made a plea to the Idaho Lottery.

“My request is to make a single wish come true for each teacher in my “class”; each teacher that I support, and mentor, is in need of something for their classrooms. In some ways, it’s almost like playing Santa Claus–leaving one gift for each of our incredible educators to use to continue inspiring others,” she said.

The Lottery agreed and delivered something for everyone including flexible seating stools, a white board, an entire classroom set of headphones, a printer, and a 3-D printer, along with many other boxes of supplies and classroom needs.

“The request was large enough we needed a utility cargo van to deliver all the packages,” said David Workman, Idaho Lottery spokesman. “The Lottery was created to benefit public schools and improve education. This Classroom Wishlist was so unique. We were thrilled with the opportunity to make it come true.”

The total request delivered to Syringa Middle School had a value of more than $7,700.

2025 CW Rocky Mountain High

Date: January 2025

School: Rocky Mountain High

Wish Delivered: Rolling Whiteboards

Teacher Daniel Drlik says "Student Council is the lifeblood of a high school. We plan events, promote activities, recognize individuals, and build school culture. This year we have accomplished many awesome things. We have begun new traditions. For example, a Hoe Down dance where we invited a DJ and line dance instructors to show the students how to line dance. This is something that we want to continue. We also like to hype up our sporting events as well as other competitions such as concerts and performances by our various competitive organizations. However, we are limited in trying to stay organized. We have a class of over 80 students and communication is difficult. With these whiteboards, we would be able to stay more organized."

Wish Amount: $1050.00

2025 CW Canyon Springs Alternative

Date: January 2025

School: Canyon Springs Alternative

Wish Delivered: Math Supplies

Teacher Jamie Jamtaas says "We require clear backpacks within our school to promote a sense of safety and unity for our students. By showing other students there is nothing to hide it allows for the kids to focus fully on their education. However, many of our students come to us from different life situations that make it hard for them to get their own backpack. We want to be able to offer them this item upon entry into the school without any stress to them. Most of our students come to us with Math being the main course needed to graduate. Our calculators we currently use are so old and unreliable that for many students they need to rely on other resources to help them. We want to have working, readily accessible calculators for each math classroom so our students can again focus on their education and not on fixing the problem."

Wish Amount: $1391.00

Ricky Wachtel

Lori Muench

2025 CW Syringa Middle Rudan

Date: January 2025

School: Syringa Middle

Wish Delivered: Project Supplies

Teacher Kristy Rudan says "My request is to make a single wish come true for each teacher in my “class”; each teacher that I support and mentor is in need of something for their classrooms. In some ways, it’s almost like playing Santa Claus–leaving one gift for each of our incredible educators to use to continue inspiring others. The impact it will have is exponential, extending into the lives of 700 students. It’s an absolutely outside-the-box approach to a classroom wish list. It’s not traditional, I know. But not all classrooms look the same. What I do know is that the need is severe, hope needs to be restored, and I love and adore my “students” just the same as all teachers, so I’m here advocating for each of their greatest needs."

Wish Amount: $7785.44

Idaho Lottery Commission Approves Issuing Request for Proposal for Financial Audit Services


BOISE, Idaho – During their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2025, the Idaho Lottery Commission approved formally issuing a Request for Proposal for bids from prospective, interested, and qualified firms to submit proposals for financial auditing services for the Lottery.

Qualified respondents to the RFP have until 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Thursday, February 20, 2025, to provide the Idaho Lottery with written proposal submissions. A copy of the Financial Audit Services RFP may be downloaded from the Idaho Lottery’s website at https://www.idaholottery.com/p.....



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.4 billion in products, awarded more than $3.1 billion in prizes to players, returned $317 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.189 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

2025 CW Glenns Ferry Hill

Date: January 2025

School: Glenns Ferry

Wish Delivered: Photography equipment

Teacher Amy Hill says "As a teacher I am committed to enhancing the educational experience for my students and believe that incorporating modern technology, such as a high-quality digital camera, will be an invaluable tool in achieving this goal. The digital camera will allow students to engage in a variety of educational activities, including documenting projects, participating in creative photography assignments, and capturing moments during classroom events or field trips. These experiences will not only foster creativity but also help students build essential skills in digital literacy, visual storytelling, and multimedia presentation."

Wish Amount: $369.99

Lorie Galvin

Happy Tears

Sometimes, the simplest and smallest of wins are the most impactful. For Lorie Galvin, Payette, winning $1,777 on Triple 7s came at the best time. Lorie raises her three grandchildren. Budgets are tight. Having this win means they’ll be able to afford a few of the nicer “extras” in life.

“This means everything to me, to them,” said Lorie as she fought back the tears when she received her check. “Don’t worry, these are happy tears.”

Lorie bought her winning ticket at the Jacksons on Northside Boulevard in Nampa.

2025 CW Maple Grove Goodman

Date: January 2025

School: Maple Grove Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom seating

Teacher Tanya Goodman says "As our schools continue to emphasize the importance of student-centered learning in every classroom it is becoming apparent that traditional seating methods may not be the best fit for all students. Flexible seating in classrooms gives students a choice in what kind of environment they learn best in. When students are given choice in their learning, and their environment, they are more comfortable, invested, engaged, and excited to continue their learning journeys."

Wish Amount: $765.15

First Raffle Winners Claim Prizes, Two Large Prizes Remain Unclaimed


BOISE, Idaho – The first $1,000,000 winner from the Idaho Lottery’s $1,000,000 Raffle has claimed their prize. Alberto Vega from Heyburn bought his winning ticket from the Maverik in Burley near Interstate 84.

“My family and I returned from vacation last night and I checked our Raffle tickets,” explained Alberto. “Most of them did not win. Then one said I had won. I checked the Lottery’s Instagram page and saw the big winning number matched my ticket!”

Alberto then told his wife they had won one of the big prizes. She looked at the ticket, then Instagram, and her heart began to race. She couldn’t believe it.

The long-time Magic Valley resident plans to put the winnings to good use for the future of his family and paying off his home.

For selling the winning ticket, Maverik will receive a commission from the Idaho Lottery of $20,000.

The second $1,000,000 prize remains unclaimed. That winning ticket was sold in Ada County.

The $10,000 winning ticket sold in Ada County has been claimed. Chad Gilmore from Eagle had his Raffle ticket in a collection of tickets he had purchased during the fall. A regular player, he visited the Lottery Offices in Boise one morning to check all his tickets. He was unaware one of his Raffle tickets had won $10,000 until it was scanned by Lottery’s Customer Service. “This is turning out to be a pretty great day! I had no idea I had one of the big winners,” he exclaimed.

Gilmore purchased his winning from the Jacksons on Ustick Road in Meridian.

The second $10,000 winning ticket sold in Cassia County remains unclaimed.

No one has contacted the Idaho Lottery regarding either of the two unclaimed prizes of $10,000 and $1,000,000.


The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

2025 CW South Fork Elementary Su

Date: January 2025

School: Southfork Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Mailboxes

Teacher Junsong Su says "I teach two immersion Chinese classes in South Fork Elementary, each with approximately 25 students. The current cardboard mailboxes used for handing out graded work and school flyers are not very strong and have been used for long time, and now are breaking down and collapsing, this is causing significant inconvenience. We seek funding to replace these with two durable, long-lasting mailboxes. The budget for this project includes the cost of two durable mailboxes. New, durable mailboxes will greatly benefit our immersion Chinese classes by improving organization, student experience, and efficiency. We kindly request your support in funding this essential project."

Wish Amount: $188.78

Commission Meeting Minutes November 21, 2024

2025 CW Ponderosa Elementary Olugin

Date: January 2025

School: Ponderosa Elementary

Wish Delivered: New Books

Teacher Jennifer Olugin says "I am seeking funding for chapter books and sets that cater to both girls and boys. These resources are vital for promoting vocabulary development, improving comprehension skills, and nurturing a lifelong passion for reading among my 2nd graders. These resources will include a diverse mix of fiction and biographies, providing students with engaging narratives and inspiring real-life stories. By sharing these materials with my 2nd grade team, I aim to create a rich literary environment that encourages all students to explore new ideas and perspectives, ultimately supporting their academic development and passion for literature. "

Wish Amount: $798.75

2025 CW Nampa High School Randolph

Date: January 2025

School: Nampa High School

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher Jennifer Randolph says " My special education students have a number of physical and/or intellectual disabilities that prevented them from learning life skills readily. These life skills are necessary for supporting a family, running a household and being independent later in life. Without a doubt, functional life skills are skills that my students must acquire in order to live a better, more fulfilling life. Teaching life skills involves not only classroom teaching, but working with students in the “real world,” giving these students the skills they need to function. Our community partners and school district recently renovate a large classroom to replicate an apartment where students can learn and practice life skills in a real-life setting."

Wish Amount: $719.17

Chadwick Gilmore

Gordon Todd Helmer

Michael Miller

Maria Leon

Tereasa Wilson

Alan Poulson

2025 CW Peregrine Elementary Osler

Date: January 2025

School: Peregrine Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Transformation

Teacher Lisa Osler says "Keeping learning fun by surprising kids with classroom transformations. A couple days a year, they will arrive at school... or so they thought! Their classroom will be transformed into a construction zone, donut shop, restaurant, or glow room! As they read about their projects and use their tools to solve challenges throughout the day, they will have the full, immersive experience They will have a chance to be an electrician, a framer, and a flooring installer as they use their area, perimeter, measurement and data skills. In another transformation, students will GLOW with the skills they have acquired over the year. The classroom will be decked out in neon with black lights to guide the way. Fifth graders are learning to love reading. Another day, they will find a restaurant with a book tasting to learn which genres please their palates. They will use their knowledge of decimals to create menus and calculate prices. Classroom makeover days renew the love of learning through project based learning."

Wish Amount: $1,784

2025 CW Victory Middle Bollinger

Date: January 2025

School: Victory Middle

Wish Delivered: Library Software

Teacher Melissa Bollinger says "I am the librarian at VMS and would like to “up my game” when it comes to the multiple reading challenges we facilitate each year by purchasing a software program called Beanstack (www.beanstack.com). Beanstack motivates readers with fun, diverse, and engaging reading challenges while strengthening the intrinsic motivation to read with proven gamification features. This software allows the librarian (or teachers) to create digital quizzes/forms/projects connected to reading and then reward individual students when they hit predetermined milestones (either # of pages read or possibly # of minutes read/day) with badges. You can also organize a building-wide goal to work toward, or even set up classroom competitions through Advisory classes or homerooms. There are truly SO MANY possibilities with this software to create a digital way to track reading and reward student efforts!"

Wish Amount: $2287

Jimmy Schipper

2025 CW Central Academy McConnell

Date: January 2025

School: Central Academy

Wish Delivered: Books

Teacher Chenin McConnell says "I am hoping to get several new book titles for the Central Academy library. Funding is limited for book purchases and I am still relatively new to the role of librarian. I am hoping to purchase books that are new and interesting to the teens in my school building. I'm hoping to get some new books both fiction and nonfiction that are high interest and popular with teens. In getting new books, I am hoping to promote them and get them into the hands of students in hopes of increasing the culture of reading at my school. I want students to come into the library and be able to access new books and perhaps open their eyes to the wonders that reading can provide."

Wish Amount: $587.20

Chelsey Reeder

Yes Brett Its a Real Christmas

Yes, Brett. It’s a Real Christmas!

Brett Rosa, Nampa, couldn’t stop asking “Is it real?” as he held what looked like a big winning lottery ticket.

He called his brother and asked him.

Even when he came to the Lottery offices, his first question was “Is it real?”

“I mean you don’t really think this will happen to you. I thought it was a joke ticket,” explained Brett.

But Brett Rosa from Nampa did have a REAL winner, he won $77,777 on a Merry 7s scratch ticket he received as a Christmas gift in his stocking on Christmas morning. Brett explained he had celebrated their family Christmas early at his Dad’s house and his Dad gave everyone a stocking which included some scratch tickets.

“I didn’t scratch my tickets until I got home, and I was in disbelief,” he said. “Since I really don’t play that often I thought I had done something wrong.”

Yes, Brett, your winning ticket was real. Stocking stuffers and Christmas miracles do happen. He plans to weigh his options and either pay some on his house or invest some for his future.

Brett’s dad purchased the ticket from the Walmart in Nampa. They will receive $7,777 for selling the winning ticket.

Stardust Makes the Holidays Brighter

Just before the holidays, Robert Fernandez’s brother was visiting him in Lapwai from southwest Idaho. Before his brother returned home for Christmas, he asked him to run an errand and pick up a few scratch tickets. Robert asked for different tickets, but his brother said Stardust Slingo has lots of $100 winners, and he should play that one.

Robert’s decision to go with his brother’s suggestion was literally ‘written in the stars’ and made him a $50,000 winner.

“I can pay off bills. It’s not been an easy year,” remarked Robert.

A little lucky stardust really does make the season brighter.

Robert’s brother purchased the ticket at Valley Foods in Lapwai. They will receive a $5,000 bonus for selling the winning ticket.

2024 Winning Million Dollar Raffle Tickets Sold in Ada and Cassia Counties


BOISE, Idaho – Check your Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle tickets Ada and Cassia Counties! One lucky player in Ada County and another in Cassia County who purchased their Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle ticket there could be starting the year off as Idaho’s newest millionaires.

The Idaho Lottery has confirmed the top prize-winning tickets from the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle draw last night were sold from Idaho Lottery retailer locations in Ada and Cassia Counties. The winning number for one $1,000,000 prize 063647 and the winning number for the other $1,000,000 prize is 116293.

In addition to the top prize, the Idaho Lottery has also confirmed the two $10,000 winning tickets were also sold in Ada and Cassia Counties. The $10,000 winning ticket numbers are 139464 and 287203.

Players have 180 days from last night’s draw to claim prizes in the game. The $1,000,000 prizes, the two $10,000 prizes, and the $1,000 prizes must be claimed at Idaho Lottery Headquarters in Boise. No one has come forward yet to claim either of the $1,000,000 prizes or either of the two $10,000 prizes.

To check their tickets for winning numbers, players can visit idaholottery.com, call the winning numbers hotline at 208-334-4656, use the Idaho Lottery’s mobile app, or visit an Idaho Lottery retail location.

All prizes of $1,000 and higher must be claimed at Lottery Offices in Boise. Lottery Offices are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, except observed holidays. The Lottery will be closed January 1, 2025, to celebrate New Year’s Day but reopens on January 2, 2025.

This year’s version of the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle returned over $1,500,000 to the Idaho Lottery’s beneficiaries, Idaho public schools and the State’s Permanent Building Fund.



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

William Bellis

The Two, Million Dollar Winning Numbers from the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle


BOISE, Idaho – Two lucky Idaho Lottery winning tickets are now worth a guaranteed $1,000,000! The Idaho Lottery announced the winning numbers from the sold-out, 2024 version of the popular Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle shortly before 6 PM Mountain Time this evening. And this year’s two, $1,000,000 winning numbers, in the order drawn, are:

0 6 3 6 4 7


1 1 6 2 9 3

In addition to the two, $1,000,000 prizes, this year’s game offered more prizes than any previous Raffle game, including two, $10,000 prizes, 150 prizes of $100, 300 prizes of $50, 2900 prizes of $25, and 14,500 prizes of $15.

For all 17,854 prizes, players can check their tickets for winners at idaholottery.com, by calling the Idaho Lottery Winning Numbers Hotline (208-334-4656), using the Idaho Lottery’s free, mobile Check-a-Ticket app, or by visiting an Idaho Lottery retail location.

All winning tickets of $1,000 or higher in this game must be claimed at Lottery offices in Boise. Players will have 180 days after the draw on December 30, 2024, to claim their prizes. Idaho Lottery offices are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays. Players may also mail their winning tickets to Lottery Offices for payment. All other prizes may be claimed at Idaho Lottery retail locations.

The Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle generated more than $1,500,000 in dividend revenue to benefit Idaho public schools and buildings this year.

# # #

The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.4 billion in products, awarded more than $3.1 billion in prizes to players, returned $317 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.189 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

Lottery to Announce 2024’s Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle Winning Numbers Tonight


BOISE, Idaho – The Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle is the Idaho Lottery’s most anticipated game of the year. The 18th edition of the game was on sale for just 47 days, delivering a sell-out of all 450,000 tickets in early December. This is the tenth time the game has sold before Christmas.

Tonight, two lucky Idaho Lottery tickets will be worth $1,000,000 when the Idaho Lottery announces the winning numbers for the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle tonight at 5:59 pm Mountain Time.

“Having two, one-million-dollar prizes guaranteed in our annual Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle has really amped up the interest of Idahoans,” said Andrew Arulanandam, Idaho Lottery Director. “We thank all players and retailers who made this game a success for the noble and worthy causes who benefit from Idaho Lottery sales. A friendly reminder to the players holding Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle tickets: please sign your tickets and keep them in a safe place until claiming their prize.”

This year’s Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle game also offers over 17,850 prizes, the most of any Raffle game, including two, $10,000 prizes, 150 prizes of $100, 300 prizes of $50, 2900 prizes of $25, and 14,500 prizes of $15.

For all prizes, players can check their tickets for winners tonight at idaholottery.com, by calling the Idaho Lottery Winning Numbers Hotline (208-334-4656), using the Idaho Lottery’s mobile app, or by visiting an Idaho Lottery retail location.

When visiting the Idaho Lottery’s website (idaholottery.com), players will see the Raffle Results banner on the home page. The winning numbers for the two, $1,000,000 prizes will be posted there. Players can enter their Raffle numbers in the check numbers box, then click on “Check” to see if they have a winner. Also, all winning numbers will be available for download in a pdf format from a link available on the Raffle web page.

This year’s game also featured eighteen, $1,000 prizes mid-game for players who purchased one of the 25000th tickets. There were 15 daily $1,000 winners during the first 15 days of sales. All players are encouraged to check their tickets for these promotion winners manually by visiting idaholottery.com.

The following is a current list of $1,000 winning tickets that remain unclaimed from this year’s Raffle:


All winning tickets of $1,000 or higher in this game must be claimed at Lottery offices in Boise. Players will have 180 days after the draw on December 30, 2024, to claim their prizes. Idaho Lottery offices are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays. Players may also mail their winning tickets to Lottery Offices for payment. All other prizes may be claimed at Idaho Lottery retail locations.

The Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle generated more than $1,500,000 in dividend revenue to benefit Idaho public schools and buildings this year.



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

Emily Shafer

Gavin Wanlass

Josh Anderson

Michael Owens

Brett Rosa

Robert Fernandez

Casey Balls

Million Dollar Feeling

Ahadi Kamulete asked his supervisor to leave work early one Tuesday afternoon in December because he had a feeling.

“I work hard. I never take time off. I never leave early,” said Kamulete. “But I had a feeling all day that I needed to buy a lottery ticket.”

His supervisor granted his request and Kamulete soon found himself at certainly the luckiest store in Idaho, and possibly the luckiest store in America: Jacksons #10 on Orchard at I-84 in Boise.

Once there, he bought two of the $50 tickets for the game $1,000,000 Cash and didn’t win. “I just felt like I had to buy another one,” he said as he bought a third ticket. He only scratched the barcode, scanned it, and saw it was a winner. The vending machine instructed Kamulete to contact the Idaho Lottery office. He confirmed that instruction from the clerk at Jacksons.

Believing he’d only won $500, twenty minutes later (and ten minutes before the Lottery Office closed for the day), Kamulete walked into the Idaho Lottery lobby with his winning ticket. He had never played it out.

Idaho Lottery Customer Service scanned the ticket and informed him he had won $1,000,000 – the game’s top prize. Kamulete immediately fell to his knees with excitement. When he stood, he exclaimed repeatedly, “I’m rich! I’m rich! I’m rich!”

Originally from The Congo, Kamulete recently moved to Idaho from South Dakota to work at a meat plant in Boise. He plans to at least buy himself a new car with his winnings.

Jacksons #10 in Boise is the only store in America to ever sell TWO jackpot winning tickets on Powerball. In addition, the store has sold a $200,000 top scratch winner, a $300,000 top scratch winner, and now this $1,000,000 top prize on the Scratch game $1,000,000 Cash.

Janelle Ogletree

Andrew Cass

Loyd Rowton

Idaho Lottery Joins 2024 Gift Responsibly Campaign to Raise Awareness of Youth Gambling Risks


BOISE, Idaho – The Idaho Lottery today announced its commitment as a Level 2 participant of the 2024 Gift Responsibly Campaign, joining lotteries and community organizations across North America and around the world to raise awareness about the risks of underage lottery use. The campaign is organized by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and supported by North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL).

“Thanks to our vigilant retailers and the efforts of the Idaho Lottery, our state is fortunate that underaged gaming is not an issue,” said Andrew Arulanandam, Idaho Lottery Director. “Nevertheless, we support this national effort because it dovetails with our year-round Play Wise initiative that provides resources to ensure Idahoans of age play responsibly.”

The Idaho Lottery works with its network of 1200 retailers to provide strict security measures to safeguard against underage youth purchasing Lottery products. All Lottery vending machines must be placed within eyesight of a store employee. Vending machines are also under constant video surveillance. In addition, retail clerks are trained to check for photo identification before completing a sale. Redeeming all taxable winning prizes must be done at the Idaho Lottery office and must include photo identification and age verification.

“Idaho law is very clear that you must be 18 years old to buy, sell, or redeem Lottery products,” added Arulanandam. “We take this matter seriously. Our products are entertaining, but also age controlled. Many people gift our games during the holidays to friends, family, and co-workers. We want to remind everyone to enjoy playing and to please gift responsibly.”



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

Ahadi Kamulete

Rene Henderson

Christmas Miracle

The Holiday season is long associated with tales of the miraculous. Whether its tales of St. Nicholas or tales from faith, this Christmas, Steven Giovanazzi of Pingree is a believer.

“I felt God was mad at me,” Steven started his story about how he became a big Idaho Lottery winner. “To make me feel better about that, my wife suggested we head to Pocatello and make some donations to charity. So, we did. On our way home, we needed gas for the truck, so we stopped at a store in Chubbuck. I told my wife I had a feeling I needed to buy a lottery ticket.”

The couple stopped at the Stinker Store located on Pheasant Ridge and Hiline in Chubbuck. Once inside the store, Steven made a deliberate choice about which Scratch ticket to play. He picked out and purchased a couple of the $5 Merry 7s. While this game features Santa proudly standing before a giant seven, that was not the reason for choosing it. “Seven was Jesus’ number, so I picked that game,”

“We celebrated an event on Saturday at my church, to coincide with the re-opening of the Cathedral of Norte Dame in Paris,” explained the purple heart recipient and Vietnam Veteran.

That was also the day he played and won the top prize of $77,777 on his Merry 7s Scratch ticket.

On the following Monday, Steven visited the Idaho Lottery offices and claimed his $77,777 prize from winning Merry 7s.

And while he was waiting for his check, Steven played the vending machine in the Lottery’s lobby. He bought ten tickets and won $134 total from seven of them.

As he left, he said he did not have immediate plans for his winnings other than to visit St. John’s Cathedral in downtown Boise to pay his respects.

And yes, Steven, Christmas miracles do happen.

Centerville Man Wins $80,000 on “Lucky” Friday the 13th


BOISE, Idaho – Friday the 13th brought nothing but luck for Grant Toomer from Centerville, Utah. On Friday before a crowd of family onlookers, holiday shoppers, and well-wishers at Boise Towne Square, Grant got to spin the big wheel and won $80,000 from the Idaho Lottery’s Scratch Game, The Big Spin!

“Today is just another day,” said Toomer at first. But after winning $80,000 from his spin, he changed his tune. “Maybe today is a lucky day!”

Grant’s wife visits Idaho Lottery retailer The Chat ‘n Chew in Malad once every five weeks. She buys her Powerball and Mega Millions tickets, then plays Scratch games while having lunch. Just before Thanksgiving, she made the trek north from Centerville and returned home with a few Big Spin tickets for Grant to play. One of those tickets turned out to be the fourth big winner from the fourth edition of the Big Spin.

“We’re looking at visiting family in the south and possibly taking a river cruise,” said Grant about what he and his wife might do with their winnings.

Two top prizes remain in the fourth edition of the popular Idaho Lottery game the Big Spin.

During this gift giving season, the Idaho Lottery would like to remind everyone who participates to gift Lottery tickets responsibly. You must be 18 years old to buy, sell, or redeem Lottery products in Idaho.



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

Keith Siuda

2024 CW Ririe Elementary Dyorich

Date: December 2024

School: Ririe Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher Rebecca Dyorich says "In 6th grade, students are exploring interests and future opportunities. Coding is an unknown for many of our students. Ozobots are a fun way to access coding for a variety of ages. In groups of 2 or 3 working with an Ozobot students totally new to coding can use a marker to code their bot, intermediate students can use block coding, and more advanced students can use Python to code their bot and see immediate results of how their code is working. It allows multiple levels in the same class to interact with coding and learn. Our school has the 6th graders present STEM night and this year we would love to do a Coding based STEM night and have Ozobots available for the students to interact with as one of our stations."

Wish Amount: $2050

2024 CW Shoshone Elementary Chrisiansen

Date: December 2024

School: Shoshone Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Books

Teacher Denice Christiansen says "I am so excited for the opportunity that I have to work with our nearly 250 students. I visit every classroom each week and sometimes twice. We talk about leadership, emotions, perseverance, friendship and so much more. Reading to students and having great conversations with students are two of my all time favorite things. These books will help to reach students in a fun and exciting way regarding not only about the important and sometimes difficult topics. The Ninja Books are colorful, educational and a lot of fun. I am also so excited because these books are available in Spanish as well."

Wish Amount: $2247


One of the more inspiring Classroom Wishlist visits this fall was from the inspiring story of Beauty, a bald eagle who was shot illegally and rescued by Birds of Prey Northwest founder Jane Veltkamp. Misti Newby, the STEM teacher at Black Canyon Elementary School in Grace invited Veltkamp to give a raptor presentation to the students of the district in late October.

Beauty was the recipient of a revolutionary 3D-printed beak to replace the one she lost. Although Beauty was never able to return to the wild, she resided with Veltkamp for an additional 20 years. Jane wrote a book in 2017 about Beauty's inspiring story which became a best seller and won many national awards.

The STEM students at Black Canyon Elementary learned about the plight of Raptors living in the west from the presentation and made practical use of their 3-D printer attempting to replicate Beauty’s beak as a classroom project.

The Idaho Lottery Classroom Wishlist program helped with the fundraising for the Birds of Prey Northwest school assembly and presentation.

Here is a list of the current projects that will help schools to begin 2025:

  • Glenns Ferry Elementary, Glenns Ferry – Photography equipment
  • Highland School District, Craigmont – Classroom books
  • Maple Grove Elementary, Boise – Classroom Seating
  • Nampa High School, Nampa - Classroom Supplies
  • Orofino Elementary, Orofino – Classroom furniture
  • Orofino Jr/Sr High, Orofino – Whiteboard and whiteboard supplies
  • Peregrine Elementary, Meridian - Classroom transformation
  • Ponderosa Elementary, Meridian – New books and Sensory items
  • Ririe Elementary, Ririe – Class supplies
  • Rulon Ellis Elementary, Chubbuck – Sensory supplies
  • South Fork Elementary, Rigby – Classroom Mailbox
  • Syringa Middle School, Caldwell – Project supplies for every teacher
  • Victory Middle School, Meridian – Library software
  • Washington Elementary, Sandpoint – STEM equipment

Steven Giovanazzi

Ashley Starkey

2024 Raffle Sells Out! Winning Numbers Announced December 30


BOISE, Idaho – Two lucky Idaho Lottery players who participated in the 2024 Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle will begin the New Year as Idaho’s newest millionaires! All 450,000 tickets in the Idaho Lottery’s traditional holiday game, the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle, have been sold and the game has officially ended. The 450,000th ticket was sold Friday, December 6, 2024.

This year’s game was one of the fastest selling in the eighteen-year history of the Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle. After last year’s very successful game, the Idaho Lottery continued the game with two top prizes of $1,000,000.

It is the seventeenth sellout and the tenth time the game has sold out before Christmas.

“Having two, one-million-dollar prizes guaranteed has really captured the interest of Idaho Lottery players and retailers,” said Andrew Arulanandam, Idaho Lottery Director.

The winning numbers will be announced on Monday, December 30, 2024, at 5:59 p.m. Mountain Time.

“Our players enjoy giving these tickets as gifts during the holidays. This year, they could be gifting a ticket worth a guaranteed $1,000,000!” added Arulanandam.

Players will be able to view the winning announcement live on KTVB News Channel 7 in the Treasure Valley, KMVT Channel 11 in the Magic Valley, KPVI News 6 in eastern Idaho, and KLEW 3 in northern Idaho. Players can check their tickets for winning numbers at idaholottery.com, at all Idaho Lottery retail locations, on the Idaho Lottery information hotline at 208-334-4656, or by using the Idaho Lottery Check-a-Ticket app for their iPhone or Android phone.

Besides the guaranteed top prizes of $1,000,000, there are over 17,850 additional prizes ranging from $15 up to $10,000. This year’s game also featured eighteen, $1,000 prizes mid-game for players who purchased one of the 25000th tickets. There were 15 daily $1,000 winners during the first 15 days of sales. All players are encouraged to check their tickets for these promotion winners manually by visiting idaholottery.com.

All winning tickets of $1,000 and higher in this game must be claimed at Lottery offices in Boise. Players will have 180 days after the draw announcement on December 30, 2024, to claim their prizes.

This year’s Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle generated over $1.5 million for the Idaho Lottery’s beneficiaries, Idaho public schools and buildings.

During this gift giving season, the Idaho Lottery would like to remind everyone to gift Lottery tickets responsibly. You must be 18 years old to buy, sell, or redeem Lottery products in Idaho.

The following is a current list of $1,000 winning tickets that remain unclaimed from this year’s Raffle:



The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5.8 billion in products, awarded more than $3.7 billion in prizes to players, returned $342 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.273 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

2024 CW Shelley School District Loosli

Date: December 2024

School: Shelley School District

Wish Delivered: Classroom Books

Teacher Sydney Loosli says "I am excited to share our vision for fostering a love of learning in our classroom! We believe that reading is a gateway to imagination, knowledge, and critical thinking. To cultivate this passion, we are implementing a book club that will allow students to explore diverse stories, engage in meaningful discussions, and develop a deeper appreciation for literature."

Wish Amount: $1300

Evelyn Ruiz

2024 CW Rocky Mountain High Martinez

Date: December 2024

School: Rocky Mountain High School

Wish Delivered: American Sign Language Classroom Supplies

Teacher Bria Martinez says "American Sign Language is a visual language and with the supplies listed in the wish list, the games asked for will help with receptive and expressive practice, the dictionaries will help with research, and the books are to show that there ARE successful Deaf authors and people. In my classroom, I do my best to have representation of the language and culture appropriately displayed as much as possible."

Wish Amount: $1757.45

2024 CW Desert Sage Elementary Nestler

Date: December 2024

School: Desert Sage Elementary

Wish Delivered: Headphones for students

Teacher Nicole Nestler says "As second grade teachers, we are getting creative with ways to share the limited headphones we have. The other problem we are facing, is that many of the headphones are old, broken, don't fit our second grade students, and they don't work with our iReady/iStation tests. This gives our students an unfair disadvantage in state testing. We want to provide our students with headphones to give our disadvantaged students a fair chance at showing their best with their scores without the distraction of ill fitted headphones or headphones that wires are showing through."

Wish Amount: $720

2024 CW Summerwing Stem Burnstein

Date: December 2024

School: Summerwind STEM Academy

Wish Delivered: Listening equipment

Teacher Annette Burnstein says "These YOTO Players and cards will help with my station rotations for my students learning to read by listening to stories."

Wish Amount: $415.82

David Dahlberg

Victor Bernal

Jesse Mason

Juan Pichardo

Anita Roberts

Donavon Iverson

Wanda Novak

J Santiago Rodriguez

Bucks for Books Across Idaho

From Bear Lake’s windswept shores near Paris, to the rainy woodlands of north Idaho near Oldtown, from the neighborhood schools of Idaho Falls to the community school in Idaho City, the Idaho Lottery canvased the entire Gem State delivering books for young elementary school readers this November as part of their annual Bucks for Books campaign.

In total, 17 schools received $50,000 in awards for new book acquisition for elementary school libraries. In every school visited, the passion for reading, and working with young students to improve their literacy, was the same.

“We are a small mountain school that serves a lot of students who love reading. We have students who come in daily to get their new books after finishing one the night before. Especially now in the winter months, staying inside, being nice and warm and cozy by the fire reading, books are that bridge to experience different worlds,” said Tristin Taylor, Librarian at Basin Elementary in Idaho City whose small library is in the school’s basement. “This award means everything. A lot of our books have been well loved. I take a lot of them home to tape them and hot glue them back together as much as I can. It means the world to us and will make a huge difference. Thank you.”

In so many schools, the experience was similar.

In Oldtown, enthusiastic students and prolific readers cheered excitedly when the award was presented as the students eagerly helped their librarian to open the box of freshly delivered books.

At Temple View Elementary in Idaho Falls, the full school assembly cheered wildly at the opportunity of purchasing hundreds of new books for their library.

A young boy named Grayson triumphantly raised a new book he had requested that was part of the delivery at Rulon Ellis Elementary in Chubbuck.

Jennifer Simpson, the librarian at Hazel T. Stuart Elementary in Shelley hopes to fill her barren shelves with the new books that will soon arrive as the result of the award.

In Paris, a similar story continued. Elementary School Librarian Linda Stock had created a classic Harry Potter themed reading section, complete with floating candles that are wand activated. Her challenge, like so many others, was getting new books to her rural location.

“We appreciate the Idaho Lottery making the long trip to visit our small school and make us feel connected to the state and not forgotten. These books will have a huge impact on our students as they get to experience titles and stories they’ve been asking for and explore worlds beyond our community through their imagination,” said Stock.

Bucks for Books is a program offered between the Idaho Lottery and the Idaho

Commission for the Libraries. Now when its sixth year, the program has awarded 126 schools a total of $325,000 for new books and to improve early education literacy.

The program is one additional way the Idaho Lottery connects with its beneficiaries for improving public schools and education in Idaho.

Sixteen of the seventeen schools this year received $3,000 each for new book acquisition. McMillan Elementary in Boise received $2,000. Here is the list of this year’s Idaho recipients:

Basin Elementary, Idaho City

Declo Elementary, Declo

Falls Valley Elementary, Idaho Falls

Harwood Elementary, Rigby

Hazel T. Stuart Elementary, Shelley

Idaho Hill Elementary, Oldtown

J.R. Simplot Elementary, American Falls

Lakeside Elementary, Plummer

McMillan Elementary, Boise

Paris Elementary, Paris

Ririe Elementary, Ririe

River Valley Elementary, Meridian

Rockland Elementary, Rockland

Rulon Ellis Elementary, Chubbuck

Temple View Elementary, Idaho Falls

Valley Elementary, Rockland

Whitman Elementary, Lewiston

Commission Meeting Minutes September 26, 2024

Martin Matias Vasquez

2024 - BB - Valley Elementary

November 20, 2024
Valley Elementary, Hazelton
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Rulon M. Ellis Elementary

November 20, 2024
Rulon M. Ellis Elementary, Chubbuck
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Hazel T. Stuart Elementary

November 20, 2024
Hazel T. Stuart Elementary, Shelley
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Temple View Elementary

November 20, 2024
Temple View Elementary, Idaho Falls
Awarded $3,000

2024 CW Central Elementary Sharer

Date: November 2024

School: Central Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom books

Teacher Jennifer Sharer says "These resources are critical for enhancing our students' learning and engagement, especially as many come from challenging backgrounds and have limited access to educational materials at home. According to our math curriculum, we need rulers but they are not supplied for me. We need dice and dominoes for math games. Second graders learn advanced phonics skills so I've included a few books that highlight those phonics skills. Since I am coming from another district, I am adapting to my new school's policy about providing a "soft start" in the morning. The kids come into the classroom when they arrive at school and I am supposed to provide quiet learning activities for them until the bell rings. I have asked for different games or science toys that will help them focus their play time in an educational way, therefore preparing their brains for the day ahead."

Wish Amount: $750

2024 CW Butte View Madariage

Date: November 2024

School: Butte View Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher JacQuie Madariaga says "In 4th grade here at our elementary school, it is the first year the students are specifically taught Science with a curriculum as they need to master some things before taking the ISAT the next year. One of the hands-on activities I can provide is playing with circuits. There are circuits just for kids. They can build a circuit by following directions and then problem solve on why their circuit is working or not working. We specifically cover Energy and circuits in 4th grade and I would love for my classroom (I can share with the neighbor class) to play with circuits and learn more about them. These would be available for kids to play with all year round as well, so they can really grasp the complexity of energy and circuits."

Wish Amount: $2235

2024 - BB - Harwood

November 19, 2024
Harwood Elementary, Rigby
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Paris Elementary

November 19, 2024
Paris Elementary, Paris
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Falls Valley Elementary

November 19, 2024
Falls Valley Elementary, Idaho Falls
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Ririe Elementary

November 19, 2024
Ririe Elementary, Ririe
Awarded $3,000

2024 North Glem Sndoval

Date: November 2024

School: North Gem Elementary

Wish Delivered: Classroom Supplies

Teacher Alex Sandoval says "I I teach a unit on space and our atmosphere. This would provide the kids with a unique opportunity to build their own rocket and launch it. It correlates with our curriculum as we discuss space travel, build model solar systems, Learn about creating ecosystems on other planets such as mars. In addition, I am a STEM based teacher and this would allow me to bring more STEM into my classroom.

Wish Amount: $443.58

2024 CW Black Canyon Newby

Date: November 2024

School: Black Canyon Elementary

Wish Delivered: Class Trip

Teacher Misti Newby says "Beauty the Bald Eagle was shot, rescued, and fitted with a pioneering, 3D-printed prosthetic beak. She has been featured on Nat Geo WILD and in news stories worldwide. Janie Veltkamp travels with Beauty and several other rescued birds of prey, sharing their stories. I plan to use Classroom Wishlist funds to bring Janie and the Birds of the Pacific Northwest to our district. Grace is a remote and rural area in the southeast corner of Idaho, with a high population of students from low-income and Hispanic backgrounds. These students rarely travel beyond Pocatello and don’t have many opportunities to visit zoos or see exotic birds. I want to bring this unique experience to them.

Wish Amount: $1103

2024 - BB Declo Elementary

November 18, 2024
Declo Elementary, Declo
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - J.R. Simplot Elementary

November 18, 2024
J.R. Simplot Elementary, American Falls
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - Rockland School District

November 18, 2024
Rockland School District, Rockland
Awarded $3,000

2024 - BB - McMillan Elementary

November 14, 2024
McMillan Elementary, Boise
Awarded $2,000

2024 - BB - River Valley Elementary

November 14, 2024
River Valley Elementary, Meridian
Awarded $3,000