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Meetings & Minutes

Commission Meeting for 6/11/2018

Time, Date and Place:
The 215th meeting of the Idaho Lottery Commission took place on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 10:00 AM via a teleconference.

Commissioners Present Via Teleconference:

  • Chairman, Mel Fisher
  • Commissioner Craig Corbett
  • Commissioner, Gary Michael
  • Commissioner, Grant Brackebusch

Lottery Staff Present:

  • Chief Operating Officer, Becky Schroeder
  • Management Assistant, Jennifer QuinnoMiller
  • Chief Financial Officer, Jay Prickett

1. Meeting Called to Order
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

2. Discussion of OneTime Performance Based Bonus
Chief Operating Officer Becky Schroeder outlined to the Commission the details of the Lottery's Change in Employee Compensation (CEC) plan for FY18 and the Lotteries request to offer a small number of employees a one time bonus of $2,000. Bonuses were considered for employees with an Exemplary Performance rating and significant contributions over the past year related to our large-scale system conversion.

The Commission previously recommended an ongoing increase for the Director based on Exemplary Performance. Because the Commission typically uses the TEAM Lottery CEC recommendations as a benchmark for the Director┬┤s pay, Becky presented the Commission with the option to recommend that Director Anderson receive a $2,000 based on his performance over the last year, as well.

Commissioner Fisher asked for approval from the Commission to make the recommendation that Director Anderson receive a $2,000 bonus. Commissioner Brackebusch moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Kerrick. The vote was unanimous for approval.

3. Adjournment
Commissioner Fisher declared the meeting adjourned.


I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct record of the actions and decisions made by the Lottery Commission.

Becky Schroeder, Chief Operating Officer
on behalf of
Jeffrey R. Anderson, Executive Director
Lottery Commission Secretary