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About Us

Meetings & Minutes

Commission Meeting for 6/28/2018

Time, Date and Place:
The 216th meeting of the Idaho Lottery Commission took place on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 10:00 AM via a teleconference.

Commissioners Present Via Teleconference:

  • Chairman, Mel Fisher
  • Commissioner Craig Corbett
  • Commissioner, Gary Michael
  • Commissioner, Susan Kerrick
  • Commissioner, Grant Brackebusch

Lottery Staff Present:

  • Executive Director, Jeff Anderson
  • Management Assistant, Jennifer Quinno-Miller
  • Chief Operating Officer, Becky Schroeder (teleconference)
  • Chief Financial Officer, Jay Prickett
  • Deputy Director of Marketing, Sherie MoodySt. Clair
  • Public Information Specialist, David Workman

Others Present Via Teleconference:

  • Brad Surkamer, CLM
  • Ryan Belveal, International Gamco

1. Meeting Called to Order
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

2. Approval to Pursue Administrative Rule Changes
Director Anderson discussed the proposed rulemaking is a result of some technological changes happening with MUSL. They are instituting a new MUSL Automated Reporting System (MARS) which will allow lotteries to largely automate the drawing process. Once everything is in production and thoroughly tested we will eventually no longer need Draw Managers on duty at the Lottery for the draws. For us to fully implement MARS we need a change to Administrative Rule.

Commissioner Michael moved to approve the proposed Administrative Rule changes. Commissioner Kerrick seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approval.

3. 30th Anniversary Game Development Bid Approval
Director Anderson discussed that, per Commission approval, the Lottery went out to bid for game development for a 30th Anniversary mobile game and received responses from Pollard Banknote and Milestone. Pollard Banknote presented the better bid which is our recommendation to the Commission. We are asking for approval of our recommendation to proceed to negotiate with Pollard Banknote for a contract not to exceed $83,000.

Commissioner Brackebusch moved to approve proceeding with Pollard Banknote. Commissioner Corbett seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approval.

4. Review Strategic Plan
Director Anderson presented and reviewed the draft Strategic Plan with the Commission for approval before it is submitted to DFM.

Commissioner Brackebusch moved to approve the draft Strategic Plan. Commissioner Kerrick seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approval.

5. Set the Dividend
Director Anderson reported that we had the highest sales in the history of the Idaho Lottery and today we are asking the Commission to approve the highest Dividend in the history of the Idaho Lottery. We achieved one of the benchmark goals the Governor sets for the Lottery in that our distributions grow faster than our sales and this past year that happened. We are proposing a Dividend that is $5 million more than we gave last year. We forecasted $49.5 million for this year and our recommendation is for the Commission to declare a Dividend of $53.5 million to our beneficiaries.

Commissioner Kerrick moved to set the Dividend at $53.5 million. Commissioner Brackebusch seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and the Dividend was set.

6. Adjourn
Commissioner Michael moved to set the next Commission Meeting and Dividend Presentation for Tuesday, July 17, 2018 in Boise. The Dividend Presentation will be held in the Governor┬┤s Ceremonial Office following that meeting. Commissioner Corbett seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for approval.

There being no further business to discuss Commissioner Brackebusch moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Kerrick seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to adjourn.


I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct record of the actions and decisions made by the Lottery Commission.

Becky Schroeder, Chief Operating Officer
on behalf of
Jeffrey R. Anderson, Executive Director
Lottery Commission Secretary