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$1,317,350,600 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Please Play Responsibly

The games offered by the Idaho Lottery are designed to be enjoyable entertainment for adults. They’re games of chance and they’re just that, games.

Idaho Lottery retailers sell lottery tickets for the benefit of Idaho citizens. In 2019, over $60 million in dividends were distributed to support Idaho Public Schools and the Permanent Building Fund.

The Idaho Lottery encourages all lottery players to be responsible in the amount of their play. Please spend what you can afford, don’t go overboard.

The Idaho Lottery supports the efforts of the National Council on Problem Gambling, which provides help for those who may have a gambling problem. For more information on how to get help, visit www.ncpgambling.org or call 1-800-522-4700.

The 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine, a program of the Department of Health and Welfare, is a free statewide community information and referral service. They have a comprehensive database with programs that offer free or low cost health and human services. Search their online database using 'Get Help' on the left side menu or dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-926-2588 to reach a customer service specialist. www.idahocareline.org