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$1,314,636,686 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!



Beginning October 1, 2020, the Idaho Lottery will suspend service of the on-line, second-chance game, Powerball Arcade. Players are asked to use ALL your vballs by September 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm MT and enter them into this month’s current drawings. The suspension of service is necessary for the Lottery and their game development team to perform program maintenance and resolve technical issues. At this time, there is no scheduled return to service for Powerball Arcade. We will provide updates

To view winners go to Idahopowerballarcade.com

Powerball Arcade Rules

Powerball Arcade games are available online and on mobile devices for players purchasing Idaho Lottery Powerball tickets. Players have the option to scan each non-winning Powerball ticket to receive white vBALLS that can be used to play games. The games are simple to play and offer opportunities to win more white vBALLS along with the red vBALLS that can be used to enter Sweepstakes drawings for prizes. The vBANK displays the number of Player’s white and red vBALLS as they are awarded and spent on games and sweepstakes entries.

Eligible tickets:

Only current non-winning Idaho Lottery Powerball tickets will be accepted. Tickets will be held in Pending status until the drawing has been conducted. Drawings for Powerball are held every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 8:59 p.m. MT. Non-winning tickets will automatically be rewarded white vBALLS upon the first login after the drawing. Tickets older than 180 days old will not be accepted. Each ticket will only be accepted one time and can only be entered by the original purchaser of the ticket.

Sweepstakes Entries:

In order to enter a Sweepstakes, the Player must be logged in with a valid Idaho Lottery VIP Club PlayerID. Players can select entries for one (1) or more Sweepstakes, as long as they have enough of the required vBALLS. The Lottery will not enter Sweepstakes for any person.

Claiming Prizes:

Winners will be notified by phone or email. It is the player’s responsibility to input and maintain current and correct contact information. Each winner must contact the Lottery within seventy two (72) hours of notification. In the event a named winner is disqualified or does not step forward to claim their prize within the required time, the named winner will forfeit their claim to the prize and an alternate will be chosen and contacted. The alternate will then have seventy two (72) hours to claim their prize. All prize fulfillments are subject to compliance with any State, Federal, or local laws.

You must be at least 18 years of age to buy, sell, or redeem Lottery tickets in Idaho. Persons under 18 cannot participate in any Lottery promotion, giveaway, or game.

  • Contact the Idaho Lottery Customer Service at 208-334-2600.
  • You must complete and sign a claim form and a claim form addendum. You can get these forms from the Idaho Lottery Website (www.idaholottery.com) or request them from the Lottery office.
  • You must submit a copy of your government issued photo identification.

Ending the Program:

The Idaho Lottery reserves the right to end Powerball Arcade at any time and for any reason. Remaining vBALLS retain no value after the program ends.

Benefiting Idaho Public Schools and the Permanent Building Fund. PLEASE PLAY RESPONSIBLY.