ico-game-tile-shape Asset 1 ico-game-tile-shape
$1,308,746,309 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!

  • $250,000

    Top Prize
  • $20.00

  • 1:2.95

    overall odds
  • 89.77%

click and hold your mouse over this image to scratch off the ticket.

It’s the biggest, most spectacular Crossword game in town! Literally bursting with stars, this game features three Crossword puzzles, connect the puzzle prizes, a prize multiplier feature, and a top prize of $250,000. No wonder the stars are shooting off every ticket, this game is a party every time you play!

To play the game, players scratch their 18 letters hidden under the red and blue box dollar signs. Then, you match those letters to every occurrence in any of the three puzzles. The more words you uncover the more prize money you win. Each puzzle is played separately. If you complete either of the connecting words in Puzzle 1, you win $50 instantly. Puzzle 2 has its own prize legend where you could win up to $100. Before you finish, be sure to scratch the Prize Multiplier spot under the large gold dollar sign at the bottom of the ticket. You could win two times, three times, five times, even up to 10 times your prize!


Break out the party hats and balloons. This all-star studded game is sure to give every Crossword player an exhilarating experience and the chance to be Idaho’s next big winner of $250,000!

Number of Prizes Prize Amount Remaining Prizes Odds
$250,000 0 152433
$10,000 0 101622
$5,000 0 76216
$1,000 2 15243
$500 24 996
$250 63 388
$150 134 199
$100 270 118
$75 486 62
$50 675 42
$40 1097 30
$30 1958 15
$25 2265 14
$20 not available* 9

*Real time data on prizes below $25 are not available.

All tickets, transactions, and winners are subject to Lottery Rules and State Law. Prizes must be claimed within 180 days after the official end of game. Persons altering tickets are subject to prosecution. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a ticket.

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