ico-game-tile-shape Asset 1 ico-game-tile-shape
$1,316,473,964 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!

  • $100,000

    Top Prize
  • $10.00

  • 3.30

    overall odds
  • 81.68%

click and hold your mouse over this image to scratch off the ticket.

WRAPPING STATION: Unwrap a “Cash” symbol, win prize shown for that symbol.

TOY REPAIR: Reveal a “Hammer” symbol and win prize shown for that symbol.

STOCKING STUFFERS: Reveal a “Candy Cane” symbol and win prize shown for that symbol.

NAUGHTY OR NICE LIST: Reveal a “Stack of Coins” symbol, win prize shown for that symbol.

BONUS CHECK:  Reveal a dollar amount, win that prize instantly for all your hard work!

Number of Prizes Prize Amount Remaining Prizes Odds
2 $143,885 0 169950
2 $5,000 0 169950
4 $1,000 0 84975
1262 $200 139 269
3633 $100 436 94
4388 $50 561 77
2545 $30 320 134
32419 $20 not available* 10
58762 $10 not available* 6

*Prizes are updated once daily. Prizes below $25 are not available.

All tickets, transactions, and winners are subject to Lottery Rules and State Law. Prizes must be claimed within 180 days after the official end of game. Persons altering tickets are subject to prosecution. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a ticket.

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