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$1,317,916,744 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Play Wise

Do Good

Idaho Lottery players do good for their community every time they play. Since beginning in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has returned $1.189 billion to benefit Idaho public schools and buildings and Idaho-owned businesses have earned nearly $300 million from selling lottery tickets to players.

More Good

  • Dividends for Public Schools and Buildings

      The Idaho Lottery was created specifically to benefit Idaho public schools and buildings. Since inception through June 30, 2023, the Lottery has returned $508 million to the Department of Education for Idaho’s 114 school districts use to maintain and improve student occupied facilities. Funds are distributed based on average daily attendance. An additional $172.9 million has benefitted the Department of Education’s Bond Levy Equalization Fund to help districts meet their bond obligations. Finally, $508 million has gone to Idaho’s Permanent Building Fund to support State-owned facilities, such as our public university and college campuses, state park facilities, and other public buildings.


The Idaho Lottery has done even-more-good through our school-based, community outreach efforts.

  • Scratch for Schools

      For nearly two decades, the Scratch for Schools program has returned over $1.4 million for individual classroom needs—including playground equipment, audio book learning tools, and technology. This program invites every public school in Idaho to participate in a five-minute fundraising event where principals, teachers, staff, and parents scratch for classroom cash.

  • Classroom Wish List

      Classroom Wish List allows schools to propose small projects and VIP Club members help fund it through their play. Classroom Wish List has funded over 34 projects like a classroom kitchen, a 3D printer, and a water filtration system.

  • Bucks for Books

      Bucks for Books provides books and resources to improve early education literacy in public schools through the play of our VIP Club members. This program helped thirty-one schools in need by providing 8,000 books.