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$1,317,916,744 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Play Wise


The Facts About the Lottery 

  1. It only takes one ticket to win.
  2. All winners purchased at least one ticket.
  3. The chances of winning are zero if you don’t buy a ticket.
The Chances of Winning

  • Draw Game and Raffle Chances
      • Every draw game and ticket within the same game has the same chance to win as every other ticket.
      • The chances of winning on any one ticket do not change if you buy more tickets.
      • Your chances of winning the Powerball or Mega Millions jackpots are remote.
      • Idaho-only draw game jackpots are not as hard to win as Powerball or Mega Millions.
      • You only need one ticket to win.
  • Scratch Game and InstaPlay Chances
      • Every Scratch Game ticket within the same game has the same chance to win as every other ticket.
      • Each Scratch Game has a finite number of tickets. All prizes are randomly scattered from the first ticket to the last in each game.
      • Overall chances of “one in four” does not mean one in every four tickets will be a winner. It’s an average, not a guarantee.
      • You only need one ticket to win.
  • 100% Guarantee - Every Play Pays
      • You benefit local schools when you Play Wise.
      • You do good for your community when you Play Wise.
      • You support jobs at local retailers when you Play Wise.
      • You can win prizes when you Play Wise.

Protect Your Winning Ticket

Lottery tickets are bearer instruments. This means we pay the person who signs the ticket and presents it for payment. To collect your winnings, always remember to: 

  1. Sign the back of your ticket.
  2. Check your draw game tickets carefully. Winning tickets expire 180 days from the draw date.
  3. Claim Scratch Games prizes as soon as you can. Winning tickets expire and cannot be paid after 180 days from the official end of the game.